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Adding Custom Highlights to PMC Chat

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SR2610's Avatar SR2610
Retired Moderator
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer

PMC Chat has many amazing and wonderful features that many members don't know about. One of these is getting it to highlightany word or phrase that you want. By default, it will only highlight your PMC account name, for example, in my case, which is "Nemesis".


Here we can see that chat has highlighted "Neme" even though that is not my name

This can be useful if you have nicknames, or want to be alerted if acertaintopic comes up or whatnot.

So, now on to...


Chat 3.1 (Current Chat)
Step 1 : Go to Chat

Step 2: Hit Settings in the top right corner to get to this window, and scroll to the bottom

Step 3: Type in the word you want to have highlighted into the box, for example Hydra (Hail Hydra)

Step 4: Hit the plus button to add it to the list, you can use the - button to remove objects

Now, whenever that word or phrase is said, you will be highligthed in chat, like such

Chat 2.0 (Old Chat)

Step 1 :

Click the settings option on the chat page here:


Step 2:

Scroll down the settings options, until you find a box called "Highlighted Words"

The box will look like this:


Step 3:

In order to add a new highlight, you must first insert aSpaceand the open up a bracket.

Then you type in what you want to have highlighted, and finally close the bracket. In this example, I will be using the word "the" todemonstratethat it works.

It should look like this :


Andthat'sit, all you have to do now is hit the little settings button again and it will be saved, now it will highlight whatever words you entered into that box.

Chat will now highlight the words, similar to this :


Extra Stuff with thanks to DaAwesomePwner

One of them isb(highlightyouwanthere)b

That makes it, so it highlights ONLY when that word by itself is mentioned.

If it did it with the(btheb), the word'the'(whenever it is mentioned) will be highlighted, but when "there" is typed somewhere, it won't highlight it, because the word "the" in it is not isolated.

Further Tips:

  • If the word that you want to highlight is often contained­­­­ inside another word, add spaces at the start and end of the word you want highlighted to make it more accurate
  • To add more words, you need to repeat the same steps that you used to add the first
  • I do not know if there is a limit to how many words you can highlight, but it is a sizable amount
  • The words that you have chosen to highlight, are only stored on the current browsers cache, so if you switch browser, you have to do it again.

Be sure to diamond if you liked the blog or it helped you
If you want to see more of my future stuff then give me a sub, I plan on doing more of these in the future.

4 Update Logs

You didn't see anything : by SR2610 07/19/2014 8:06:42 amJul 19th, 2014

I removed some things that members aren't meant to see

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09/14/2018 3:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc2412484's Avatar
08/04/2014 7:09 pm
Level 25 : Expert Network
4377699683's Avatar
If you want to mess with your friend add this to their list of words to highlight: [^]+
Thats a regular expression that will highlight everything. (http://i.imgur.com/aa6v2Zu.png)
06/13/2014 11:10 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
Hail Hydra.
10/11/2013 3:24 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
nice blog.this is very usefull when you want to react fast.
heres a diamond
08/30/2013 6:26 am
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
Wow, this blog is really nice ;D
Military Minecraft
07/12/2013 11:23 am
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
07/09/2013 3:46 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
DAP's Avatar
Just letting you know, there are some extra code thingies you add to the highlight area that help as well.
One of them is b(highlightyouwanthere)b
That makes it, so it highlights ONLY when that word by itself is mentioned.
If it did it with the (btheb), the word the (whenever it is mentioned) will be highlighted, but when "there" is typed somewhere, it won't highlight it, because the word "the" in it is not isolated.
07/09/2013 4:29 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
SR2610's Avatar
Thanks, I was going off of what I found during experimentation, as its not documented on the site, mind if I add it in?
07/09/2013 4:36 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
DAP's Avatar
Responded in the chat :P
05/19/2013 4:27 pm
Level 49 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
I linked this in my tutorial. You can see it on my page as I am not posting it here(so its no advertising :P)

