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AnimeFan Game Reviews - Rocket League [+Updates] [+DLC's] {Indie Game of the Year for 2015}

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Sus Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, with another game review, and this time, it's the hit PC/PS4 game everyone is talking about, Rocket League!

With the massive and successful launch of this game, does it live up to the hype, or does it hit the crossbar and miss? Well, time to find out! Hope you enjoy reading!

Also, this game got Indie Game of the Year for 2015. So happy it is. :D

Next to no-one here who knows me on PMC knows that I love sports. I love watching and playing sports. My first word ever spoken was "ball", I participated in rugby, football, cricket and more at school, and actively follow my favorite sports team, the mighty Penrith Panthers. But one sport that me and my family actively enjoy is soccer football. Being half British, half Argentinian, (2 countries that are extremely proud of their football teams) my family loves football alot. Heck, my uncle played for the Australian Socceroos U20's almost 2 decades ago. But I don't play much sports video games. Well, until Rocket League was launched. So what do I think of it? Well...

Game of the year. :D (For me, at least...)

Information and Facts

Rocket League is a PC/PS4 (And Xbox One in February 2016) exclusive sports game, published by Psyonix, and was released in July 7, 2015. It's a game where you play football...but with cars. So basically, it's like that episode of Top Gear where the guys play car football, but ramped up to 11. Believe it or not, this game is actually a sequel, to a similar game made by the same developers, which was called "Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars" (I know, a huge title.) On release, critics everywhere praised this game for being simple, highly additive, exciting and having a fantastic multiplayer. Not only that, but it's also cross-platform! Meaning that both PC and Playstation gamers can meet and play. Rocket League also became an official sponsor to eSport, joining the Electronic Sports League (ESL).

Story and Characters - N/A

Wow, you were expecting a story and characters? In a sports game? We don't need those silly things! :DD

Gameplay and Controls - 9/10
Ok, now I can finally talk about the game. So basically, Rocket League is game where you are a car, playing with teams, playing football. The team with the most goals after 5 minutes wins. Very simple. The gamemodes are simple, and play differently. There's 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4. For 1v1's, you need to play skillfully and carefully, 2v2 and 3v3 require teamwork and skill, and 4v4 is complete and utter chaos. I like how despite being very simple, the gamemodes don't play the same. After every match, you unlock different cosmetic items to make your car pretty. Everything from what car body it has, to what colour it is, to what hat you wear, it gives a sense of uniqueness and personality. For controls, it's also simple. the WASD buttons move the car, the right shift does a powerslide, the left mouse button boosts (btw, boosts are placed around the field for you to pick up and use) and the right mouse button makes you jump (pressing it twice makes you double jump). Although the controls are hard to master (especially moves like Rocket Flying and Bicycle hits), this game controls are really smooth and responsive. Not only that, if multiplayer isn't your thing, Singleplayer is also fantastic, due to the AI being surprising excellent. In the harder difficulties, they play extremely well. So basically, the gameplay and controls are simply fantastic. Each gamemode is unbelievably entertaining to play, the different cosmetics are fun to unlock, and controlling the car and pulling off insane moves was a blast to play. Not to mention that scoring goals is so satisfying, to the point where you will cheer IRL when you score. No other sports game has made me do that. But there is some problems, the biggest being the camera. There is 2 camera modes, the camera that looks behind the car, and one that follows the ball (which is REALLY handy). You can toggle the camera with the spacebar, and although for the most part the camera is great, the camera can get really confusing. If the ball is too quick or above you, the camera will follow the ball so well, you can get lost and have no idea where you are going. And as I said before, the controls are a bit hard to get used to. You can expect yourself to make mistakes, and being a car, which isn't the most nimble thing ever doesn't help. Not only that, the Rookie-difficulty AI are insanely annoying. But otherwise, the gameplay and controls work fantastic.

Graphics - 9/10
This might be the most gorgeous game I've ever played in a long time. The maps look amazing, the stadiums look awe-inspiring, the textures look detailed and smooth and the game looks colourful and vibrant. Playing this game at 1080p, 60FPS is an absolute dream. Although, for weaker computers, you will need to drop the performance, and even then, it looks great. Everything from the menu screen, to the grass on the ground, to the explosion that ball does when a team has scored, Rocket League is simply too good-looking.

Sound - 9/10

The sound is also brilliantly well-made. In terms of the soundtrack, it's very techno and catchy. Nothing too dubstep-y, and flashy, not to mention, freaking amazing. In terms of sound effects, it does it's job nicely. The car engines sound powerful, the sound of the tyres moving sounds great, the cheers from the crowd are brilliant, and hitting the balls makes a very satisfying thud. Not to mention the boosting sounds and the jumping sounds give me a sense of power and weight to the car. The only thing I can really say about the sound is there is no option for the music to be played when you're in a match. Only menus have music, which is a bummer. And some sound effects are too quiet, like the cheering crowds. Trust me, I've been to stadiums to watch sport, and it is really loud. Plus, you know how many hardcore fans of football there is that cheer like it might be that last time they cheer? The answer is alot. But otherwise, the sound department nailed it here.

Enjoyment - 10/10
This game is freaking amazing, and easily deserves all the hype it gets. Although you won't enjoy this game if you are not a fan of sports, I would definitely recommend this game to anyone. With amazing graphics and sound, great controls and a unique idea for a game, I'm 100% certain that I will be playing this game for years to come. On Steam and PS Store, it'll cost you $20, and developers will be including free DLC for this game. So what are you waiting for? Get this game, and enjoy the mayhem!

Final Verdict - 9/10 - Amazing!

Update 1: SuperSonic Fury DLC - 7/10
On the 13th of August 2015, Rocket League released it's first DLC, the SuperSonic Fury DLC. Basically, on the days leading up to the DLC, Rocket League updated with "Spectator Mode" and a new map called the "Coliseum", where the setting is exactly what you think it is. The new map is big and majestic, and is a fresh map to all the parks and stadiums you play in (plus a loud horn plays for every goal. A nice touch.) Then the DLC arrived, giving players 2 new car bodys, 2 new booster types, 2 new wheels (and spinners), about 12 new decals and 5 new paint types. Although it is a good little addition, it turns out that it is not free. Yes, even though I said that Rocket league DLC would be free, it seems that the developers have changed their minds. The DLC costs $4. May not seem like much, but it is a bummer. But I still bought it. Simply because I want the new stuff, and because I want to support these developers the best way possible: buying their stuff. So if you have $4 lying around, and really want the new stuff and help the developers, go and buy it.

Update 2 : Revenge of the Battle-Cars - 7/10

On the 14th of October 2015, Rocket League's second DLC, Revenge of the Battle-Cars, and V1.06 patch was released. Included was 2 new car types, 2 new arenas, 12 new decals, 3 new paint types, 2 new wheels, 2 new booster types, 2 new toppers and 10 new antennas, as well as 5 new achievements. The new items are actually very good, with lots of awesome designs, like the new car bodys and booster types. Plus, there is Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter Flags. Yep, my favorite youtubers have their own flags in this game. I will admit, I fanboyed. Amazing designs for the items and the new arenas are nice. But the fact that unusual arenas are still not here is a bit of a letdown. And again, it costs $4. Still cheap, but still a bit of a downer. But this DLC is definitely better then the first one. So I suggest you get it. Is good.

Update 3: Back to the Future Car Pack - 9/10

For $2, you can have the DoLorean. The DeLorean from the Back to Future Movies. It leaves flame trails if you go fast enough. BEST CAR EVER. What more do I have to say? Too awesome for words. And of course, it was released on the 21st of October, 2015. Best reference ever.

Update 4: Mutators Update - 9/10
On the 10th of November 2015, the Mutators Update arrived, and it is probably the best thing in gaming ever. It adds an entire new mechanic to the game called "Mutators", a gamemode where different aspects of a game can be changed. For example, the Beach Ball mutator makes the ball bigger and lighter, the Cubic mutator makes the ball a cube, and so on. It changes other aspects like gravity, boost regeneration, ball bounciness, slow-motion and so on. It adds so much replayability to this already addicting game. It makes playing with friends all the more fun. I would even go so far as to say that because of this update, Rocket League has the potential to become 2015's Game of the Year, facing heavyweights, like Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront. And the best thing? The update is 100% free. You don't pay a single cent. Best deal ever. The new update also includes over 10 new antennas (Including a Fallout Vault Boy antenna) and stat boosts to the cars. Do you need any more reasons to buy this game?

Update 5 - Chaos Run DLC - 8/10
You like Mad Max? I bet you do. That's why on the 1st of December, 2015, Psyonix released the Chaos Run DLC, a pack filled with Mad Max-inspired items, and...Portal items. Yep, for 4 bucks, you get 2 new battle cars, 6 decals, 2 paint types, 2 wheels, 2 rocket trails, 3 toppers and 3 antennas. Plus, a brand new map called "Wasteland", a map themed in the desert, and has slopes, which is different then the flat arenas the game has. Then you have the Portal items in the new updates. Because Valve is nice, there is now antennas of Portal stuff like Companion Cubes, and Potato Glados, then you have the cake topper, and rocket boosts of all 3 gels. The DLC, plus the Portal stuff adds so much customization to the game. The new Mad Max-themed items look awesome, and the Portal items look cool. This is definitely the best DLC for Rocket League so far. Buy it ASAP.

Update 6 - Snow Day - 10/10

On the 14th of December 2015 (and possibly until the 4th of January 2016), to celebrate Christmas, Rocket League replaced the mutators playlist with the Snow Day playlist, a game mode which turns the game of car football into car ice hockey. And it's the most fun I've had with this game in a long time. Everything from the puck, to the noise your car makes when you land on the ice rink, It's excellent, not surprising from indie game of the year. Not only that, they also released 7 new Christmas themed items. I'm not sure if the Snow Day gamemode is here to stay for good, or only in the holidays. If only the holidays, sad face. If not, Rocket League got even better.

Update 7: Rocket Labs - 9/10

The February Update added 3 new and unique maps, called Rocket Labs. Basically, it added 3 Tron-inspired levels that are vastly different then the normal maps. One map has slopes, making going around the map difficult. The second map has two goals on each side, angled weird, making scoring slightly harder. And the final map is basically a giant circle, with the opposite goals connected, making going around the field easier. The unique maps are very fun to play, and really brings new life to the game. Along with the update, it also marked the end of the 1st Season, and began the 2nd Season. The new update also brings uncommon drops, where you can unlock rare items after playing several games. The new update also adds Deadmau5 items. Cause why not? But yeah. Rocket Labs. One of the best updates yet.

Update 8: Batman VS Superman Dawn of Justice Car Pack - 9/10

On the 8th of March 2016, Psyonix, with the help of the producers of the upcoming Batman VS Superman Dawn of Justice movie, launched the Batman VS Superman Dawn of Justice Car Pack, which costs $2. It contains a flag of logos for Batman, Superman and Wonder Women. Oh, and it also has THE BATMOBILE. You can now drive around a football arena in the Batmobile. By far the most awesome inclusion to the game. Now I can live my dream of playing football in a car, screaming "I'M BATMAN!".

Update 9: Hoops - 9/10

On April 26 2016, Rocket League got a brand new gamemode called "Hoops". And it's the best update this game has gotten so far. It's basically a gamemode of a 2v2 match of Basketball. With 2 large hoops on each side, this gamemode really tests out your aerial skills. If you suck in the air (like me), prepare to have a bad time. The new basketball arena looks freaking amazing, and not only that, the NBA Flag DLC pack, which costs $2, gives you 30 flags containing the logos of all 30 teams in the NBA. Not exactly the best DLC, since not alot of gamers even watch the NBA, but a nice inclusion for the game (Now to hope for NRL flags...). The new update also contains some new items (majority of them are Worms themed), and also little gameplay updates. Now Overtimes now show you how long Overtime has been going on for, and unlocking items gives you a flasher, and cooler pop-up, and you can also nickname replays you save now. Overall, a fantastic update to an already fantastic game. Rocket League, proving once again, to be one of the best indie games to date.

Update 10 - Neo-Tokyo Update - 9/10

On the 20th of June 2016, Psyonix released Rocket League's biggest update yet: Neo-Tokyo. With Season 2's end, the new update brought us 2 new maps, Neo-Tokyo, a big city arena with a japanese commentator, and Pillars, a map for Rocket Labs with two giant pillars in the centre. A big factor of the update is the new item trading system. You can now unlock painted items, and rare and very rare items. You can also trade in 5 items of the same quality to get a higher quality item. This makes collecting the items have more value to them, which is great. They changed how matches end, with the winning team able to perform flips to celebrate for a few seconds when the match ends. There is also new quick chat options, which is cool. They also added 8 new achievements, focusing on Snow Day, Hoops, and collecting items. And they even updated how to get DLC, with the Showroom, allowing you to look at the DLC items in-game, which is pretty nice. Overall, another fantastic update.

Update 11 - Marauder, Aftershock, Masamune and Esper DLC Cars - 8/10

In July 2016, Rocket League introduced 4 new DLC cars that were only previously available to people who ordered the retail game. The Marauder and Aftershock are SARPBC classic cars, and Musmune and Esper are Neo-Tokyo themed. All 4 cars are awesome looking (plus Aftershock sounds like a jet), and each car is worth 2 bucks. I wouldn't recommend buying all of them if you don't want to, but the cars are pretty nice, to say the least.

Update 12 - Rumble Mode - 9/10

In September 2016, Rocket League updated its playlist with "Rumble Mode", a 3v3 gamemode where players can now use power-ups while playing. There are 11 power-ups in total, and they range from power-ups that can hit the ball, hit and hinder opponents, and generally cause complete chaos. Rumble Mode is by far, one of the best updates to Rocket League in a very long time. It adds such a crazy and fun twist to the game, and Rumble Mode games can be frustratingly fun. Other inclusions include a new Rocket Labs arena called "Octagon", better car customization, and one of the most controversial things added to the game: Crates and Keys. Much like the crate system in CSGO/TF2, after every match, you have the chance to get a Crate drop. These crates hold various skins, boosts, new cars, and other rare goodies. But the only way to open them is by buying keys, which cost around $1.50 each, with a portion of all the proceeds helping fund future pro Rocket League events. Now, when it comes to microtransactions, I have never liked the idea unless it was in a free-to-play game. And while Rocket League handles these microtransactions much better then other games, since the pro Rocket League scene isn't as big as something like pro DOTA or CoD events, the fact there is microtransactions in a 20 dollar retail game is kinda disappointing. It doesn't really ruin the game, and you can view what items you can get in the crates in-game, and its a much more forgiving crate system compared to CSGO and TF2, it's honestly the only part of the game I don't really like alot. Overall, a fantastic update.

Update 13 - Aquadome Update, and Proteus & Triton DLC Cars - 9/10

In early October 2016, Psyonix released the Aquadome update, and once again, it's a very solid update. The update's main thing is the new Aquadome arena, a Bioshock-themed arena set under the sea. Out of all the arenas, it's one of the most visually stunning ones yet, The update also brings 2 brand new DLC cars, Proteus and Triton, which look great as well. Other things brought it was new Achievements relating to the Aquadome and Rumble Mode, updated looks to 2 existing cars, and a new type of crate. Overall, another solid update by Psyonix.

Until the next review...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by AnimeFanFTW 10/07/2016 7:50:36 pmOct 7th, 2016

- Included a review of the Aquadome update, and the Proteus and Triton DLC cars
- Fixed some mistakes and errors in the blog

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05/25/2016 6:08 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
this game makes soccer exciting
05/25/2016 7:43 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Sus Senpai
Don't forget the hockey and basketball mode it has. ;D
03/27/2016 10:24 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
I heard about this game a long time ago, I only got to play it though a few days ago. I think it's very fund and a very enjoyable game to play. Epic review anyway ;)

I normally don't like Sports games but when you cross football and a racing game, you have made the greatest thing since sliced bread XD
03/27/2016 12:43 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Sus Senpai
Thanks, man.
Football and racing is a sweet combination indeed. xD
03/27/2016 3:14 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
Yeah XD
03/12/2016 4:20 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
gr8 work m8
03/12/2016 7:46 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Sus Senpai
thanks m8
03/13/2016 6:39 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
np m8
03/08/2016 10:05 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
Keep doing these good reviews then i'll have your babies.
03/08/2016 7:57 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Sus Senpai
Thanks. :D
