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AnimeFan's Quick Thoughts on Slime Rancher! (Version 0.3.0)

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, and today, I decided to make a quick little blog, about a certain game.

Just recently, I bought Slime Rancher, which released onto Steam Early Access in Early January of 2016, and has become one of the most promising games to come out in a long time.

AnimeFan's Quick Thoughts on Slime Rancher! (Version 0.3.0)

I've been playing it for a while, and I got to say, this game has a ton of potential. So much so, that I decided to write a blog about the game, what it does right, what it does wrong and other things as well.

Please note that this is NOT a review. At the time I write this blog, this game is on Version 0.3.0. That means that it's not finished yet. It would be kinda dumb to write a review on a game that is incomplete. When this game does eventually release Version 1.0, I might review the game. Until then though, I'll just give my thoughts on the game, and the amount of content it has.

So enjoy. :D
Let's start off with the story. Your character is named Beatrix LeBeau, and she has left Earth to a far away planet and set up a ranch in "Far Far Range". There, she sets out to be a successful slime farmer. And that's the entire story. Nothing else is explored, at least, for now. Slime Rancher, much like Stardew Valley, a game where you also take care of a farm, doesn't set its priorities on the story, since it doesn't need to. Its main focus is the gameplay.

The gameplay consists of capturing slimes using your Vac Cannon, and raising slimes in corrals by feeding them fruits, vegetables and meat. Once a slime eats food, it produces a "plort", a diamond-shaped resource used to sell in the Plort Market to earn money, depending on the type of plort. Different slimes produce different plorts, so to get these plorts, you must explore the land, find secrets, open new areas, and find new slimes. And each slime have different needs. In the game, there is a grand total of 10 slimes, ranging from the easy to raise Pink Slimes, to the ultra rare Gold Slimes.
AnimeFan's Quick Thoughts on Slime Rancher! (Version 0.3.0)

Not only that, if you feed a slime a different plort, they will turn into hybrid slimes, also known as "Largos". Largos will produce 2 different plorts, depending on what plort you gave to what slime. So if I fed a Pink Slime a Rock Plort, it will make a Pink Rock Largo, which will produce a Pink and a Rock Plort when fed. This can be a fast way of earning lots of money.
AnimeFan's Quick Thoughts on Slime Rancher! (Version 0.3.0)

However, raising Largos has its risks. If a Largo eats a plort that isn't the same type as itself, it will turn into a "Tarr". Tarrs are evil slimes, that will go around and eat any slimes and animals around it to make more Tarrs, and it also rots any fruits or vegetables being grown if its near. They can only be defeated by water, either by shooting water at it, or by launching it into the sea. A Tarr can decimate a farm in seconds.

And basically, that's all the gameplay has to offer. You can also buy upgrades to your buildings to make farming easier, you can unlock different areas, and find and break open crates around the area to find goodies, but other then that, that's all the content this game has so far.

This game does alot of things right. For one, the art style. This game is sooooooooo cute. All the slimes look adorable, the landscapes look well detailed, and the game is bright and colourful. Another thing the game does right is the Plort Market. The prices of the different plorts fluctuate up and down, depending on how many plorts you sell. If you sell too much of the same plort, the price for that plort drops. This encourages the player the farm different slimes, which I find to be a great mechanic. The game is also very calming and enjoyable to play. Excluding the Tarrs, this game is quite relaxing. Exploring the different areas is always a treat, even if I revisit those areas plenty of times. The sound effects of the slimes are also really cute and nice as well.

But this game does have plenty of drawbacks. For one, the inventory space. You can only carry up to 4 different items with you. That is WAAAAAY too small. If it was 5 or 6, that would be fine, but 4 is too small a number. Another drawback is the corral upgrades. The Auto Feeder and the Plort Collector work fine, but they work too slowly. Then you have the Tarrs. The Tarrs themselves are fine, but it seems that in certain areas, Tarrs can be made without your help extremely easily. The amount of times I walked into a certain area, only to see that several Tarrs have already eaten all the slimes in that area, is a bit too much. Then you have the Vac Cannon. Again, the cannon works fine, but picking up items can be very annoying. If your trying to suck up an item, while being near a Largo, 9 times out of 10, you will pick up the Largo and not the item, every single time. Or if you're trying to pick up plorts/food, and you also unintentionally also pick up slimes you don't want as well. It gets very, very annoying. But the biggest problem, is the lack of content. At the stage its at now, you can pretty much fulfill most of your goals in about 10 hours. As I mentioned before, there's only 10 slimes (2 of which are extremely rare to find), there's only 4 areas to unlock (2 of which are nothing more but extensions to your farm), and the various areas aren't that big. I can't really blame the game for having a lack of content, since it is in Early Access, but it's something to consider.

Not only that, although this could be just me, but I should also mention that if you have a slow computer, this game lags. Alot. I admit, my computer can be slow, but it can run games like Rocket League and some FPS's with somewhat ease. But this game makes my computer lag a ton. Crazy, considering this game is only 140+MB. Again, this could be only because it's in Early Access, and its performance will improve as time goes on, but I thought I would point that out.

So overall, Slime Rancher is a very promising game, with a ton of potential. But at its current state, it doesn't have enough content yet. In a few months, I can see this game having alot of content. I can't wait to see what new content will be added to this game in the near future. If I was the developer of this game, I would focus on adding new areas, making new slimes, making inventory space slightly bigger, fix performance issues for people that have slower computers, and PUPPY SLIMES!

Seriously, I want Puppy Slimes. If the game can have Tabby Slimes, I want a cute little dog slime. x3

So those are my quick thoughts on Slime Rancher. Basically, buy it if you're interested, but if you like games that have tons of content, I suggest waiting a while before considering. You can by the game on Steam for $19.99US. So get it if you want, I guess.

Until the next blog...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

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09/30/2021 11:48 pm
Level 32 : Artisan uwu
TheCyborg's Avatar
I like the BEAUTIFUL transition at the end, where you just vac up a ton of Pink Slimes!
10/03/2021 8:07 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
lol, sorry to say, but it wasn't me who did that. It was simply a gif I found, to give the blog some extra flair.
10/10/2021 12:19 pm
Level 32 : Artisan uwu
TheCyborg's Avatar
Ahh, but still, good ending.
05/15/2016 7:36 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
wafflegirl__'s Avatar
05/15/2016 7:56 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
04/26/2016 10:47 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Nice, I'll have to try it ;)
04/26/2016 9:25 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thanks. :D
You should definitely give it a play if you don't mind the lack of content it has at its current state.
04/27/2016 10:25 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Np ;) and I'll try :)
