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Attention Server Owners: Say Goodbye to Donations |Pop Reel|

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Level 48 : Master Architect
Say Goodbye to Donations

 Before you read this blog, I suggest you check out this video. It does a good job explaining the EULA changes and the current gray area. I plan to update this blog to further explain any changes that happen. I will also state that this blog is slightly outdated. It was written before the video came out, and will be updated shortly.

          Many public servers depend on donations to pay for running the server. Hosting services aren’t cheap, and some server owners cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket to run them. Server owners depend on donations to keep their server running. Most players aren’t interested in giving away money—they want something in return. This is why many servers offer perks for donations, usually as a thank-you gift, or reward.

                Recently, Mojang has made some unofficial statements regarding the monetization of Minecraft servers. They fear that people are profiting off of selling in-game benefits. What they don’t seem to realize is that many servers use all donations to pay their monthly server bills. Without people donating for in-game perks, a lot of servers will close down.

                I understand that Mojang doesn’t want people profiting from their hard work. I also understand that they want to eradicate scam servers who promise in-game benefits and then cash in instead. 

But what does that mean for regular servers?


Fewer Donations

                Let’s face it. Players don’t really want to give you money if they’re getting nothing in return. With sponsor perks out of the picture, there isn’t much that servers can offer in return for donations. The amount of server donations, and possibly even the number of servers, will surely dwindle over time.

Removal of Sponsor Perks/Ranks

                Mojang is cracking down, claiming that any perks or ranks that were purchased in-game violate the terms and conditions of the game. This likely means that they’ll require servers to remove these perks or ranks. Servers will have to decide if they want to put sponsor perks into a rank and make it a server rank available to any player to achieve. That way, sponsors would be able to maintain their perks in a way that is not unfair to other players.

Servers Need To Find Money

                Donations really are a server’s lifeblood. Since people are less likely to donate, servers will need to find other means of revenue. Otherwise, they may not be able to make ends meet.

Is there a silver lining somewhere? There are a few things that we, the player base, can do.

Remember: It’s Unofficial

                Currently, Mojang has only made comments and Tweets about the issue at hand, hinting at these possible changes. No official statements have been made. It is possible that they may come up with a way for donation-run servers to keep running, since they are not profiting.


Contact Mojang

                You don’t have to wait for an official statement. Let your voice be heard. Let Mojang know that they will greatly hurt their own userbase. Try to propose an alternate solution. Whatever you do, don’t give up and remain silent.

Offer Out-Of-Game Perks

                 If it is possible, try to think of other things you can give to players for their donation, such as merchandise, a commissioned art piece, or even a thank-you letter. You may receive less in donations to counter the costs of merchandise, but it’d be better than nothing.

Bypass It

                This isn’t the best method, but I can already tell that some servers will just ignore the changes to the terms and conditions. If you can find a loophole, then more power to you. I won’t encourage it, but I will remain neutral on the subject.

                I am not a fan of these potential changes. Donations are vital to servers. Without in-game perks, people are less likely to donate. Reach out to Mojang, and to your server members. Voice your opinion, and ask your server members to help out in times of need.

                As Mojang announces its future plans on the terms and conditions, I will continue to update this blog. I wish you all the best in your future server endeavors.

                If you enjoyed what you read, please diamondfavorite, and subscribe to us to show your support! 
CreditImage Source: http://yhrite.deviantart.com/

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by cirrus-mc 06/07/2014 1:40:11 amJun 7th, 2014

Thanks for Popular Reel!

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07/09/2014 8:14 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
Hypixel made a contract with Mojang, so his server is completely unaffected. Since so many servers are going down, people will spend more of their time on Hypixel, effectively getting him more revenue, so I guess he is affected, and in a good way.
07/09/2014 4:57 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
That's good for him I guess, but terrible for other servers. It almost seems like playing favorites, honestly, for one server to be above the rules. But I guess that's what happens when you're a massive hub.
06/10/2014 6:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IM glad donations might go down because i don't want o pay money for a kit in pvp or something, there should be a courtesy of the house if you will
07/09/2014 4:58 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
I think kits in PvP are a little silly personally. There should be some sort of starter kit. I am not a fan of servers that offer HUGE advantages for money, such as extra lives in minigames, or extra items in PvP maps that make players overpowered. When a game turns from "who has the most skill" to "who threw the most money at the server owner", that's where I draw the line.
06/10/2014 11:49 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Toast
Getting things from donations is illegal by law and not only the EULA
06/10/2014 1:18 pm
Level 38 : Artisan System
.............. I really hate reading shit like this. It bothers me that people think they know EVERYTHING. Look Nyman. It's not illegal to get things from donating. I donated to Sahar Magloclin's animal campaign and got a shirt and poster in the mail. But, you're right, getting things in return is illegal. No, stfu on matters you know nothing about.
06/10/2014 1:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Did you have to be that hard on him?  He doesn't think he knows everything xD. Also he might be talking about the server owners not using it for the server but instead for themselves, just a little confusion on the wording? Even so if he was wrong you don't have to be so aggressive.
06/10/2014 2:03 pm
Level 38 : Artisan System
You're right. I get too fired up and should probably cool off before commenting.
06/11/2014 12:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Toast
Yeah, i meant the part that they have to be non profit organizations to take donations.

And all of this will probably not be so big since they, mainly Notch, is for Piracy and is a suporter of the Swedish Piracy Party.
07/09/2014 8:15 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
Wait, if all the money goes right back into the server, would it be considered non-profit?
06/10/2014 11:47 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
"offer perks for donations"

That's NOT A THING! That is just buying something. For example. if you were to buy a VIP rank on a factions server, you might get a kit with a diamond sword. You are buying a diamond sword. Mojang created a game and created the diamond sword within the game, and the server owners are getting money from Mojang's work.  It's wrong. As far as I know, this has been in the EULA for ages, it's just that they've tried to make it more prominent now.
