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Being an Individual

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Purple_Unicornz's Avatar Purple_Unicornz
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal

For starters, by definition an individual is a person or a specific object. What we are really talking about is the state or quality of being an individual, individuality. Every person is genetically o engineeredo to be unique. Thato s why twins areno t even exact copies of each other. Everyone has his or her own DNA sequence (thato s what gives us our traits) that no one else has an exact copy of. Being unique and different, but not necessarily acting different from the people around you, is how we are supposed to be. Own up to it, dono t pretend to be someone else, buto ¦ BE YOURSELF!

How do I be an Individual?

Being an individual, in my opinion, is respecting that youo re different from everybody else and accepting and embracing that attribute. Being unique, recognizing it, and loving that you are yourself, and not someone else! First of all, you have to find out who you are. Find out what makes you, you! Do you like video games, sports, drawing, and ect., it's you, so don't let me tell you who you are. Dress how you want to, think about that for a second. Do you wear those tight jeans and Abercrombie shirt just so people don't make fun of you or make comments or give you dirty looks? Is that how you dress at home, do you relax in those types of clothes? Don't fall into peer pressure, if your so called friends are making you do something you're not totally agreeing with or even wanting to do after they mention it. Those people, are not your friends. You may want their attention, their friendship; let me tell you that you (most likely) deserve way better people to be your friends than them. Those friends will come along in their day, but they will be with you forever. And just like not falling into peer pressure, don't be a peer pressure anyone. You may guide them along and make suggestions, (oh, please do that!) and help them without forcing them to do things they don't want to do. Most importantly, love yourself. You, is who deserves your love and attention the most. (But don't become a self centered prick :P)

The perks of being an Individual

When you classify yourself as an individual, you are unique, and usually when you have these attributes as a person, you are mentally strong. Being an individual allows you to be proud but humble and respect yourselves. Keeping yourself a little note using a quote like "Be yourself because there is no one in the world that can ever be a good you, as you." Having something to remind you how special (the good kind of special) being you, the unique, best you, you could ever be. This helps battle mental disorders like depression or eating disorders that have been increasing in cases recorded in the past few years for teenagers. If you're anywhere between 10-18, pay close attention to what this blog says, and try to implement all those positives in your life. You might not ever get a disorder even if you read this blog or don't become an individual, its just who you are. Love yourself, discover who you are, and be it! Plus you won't be as self-conscious and grow to be more comfortable with yourself, physical appearance and mental stature.

How does this apply to PMC?

This was the section I was looking forward to writing the most! Being an Individual on PMC is not posing as someone else or taking credit for other peopleo s work, i.e. stealing a skin or plagiarizing a blog. Join the individuality group! Just say in your About Me description place: I am a proud Individual on PMC! And, only if YOU want, you can link my blog on the word "Individual". Don't only put 100% creativity and originality into your posts whether they are blogs, skins, mods, textures, ect. but put a whole bit of you into them. (See o that for more in depth snuff)

How can I be an Individual on PMC?

Upload 100% original content from your own creative mind. And of course, (Io m getting tired of re-writing this stupid, whoops did I say stupid? Ito s totally mc-gotally 100% original and not stupid)...


Fill out your "About Me" section in your profile. Set goals you want to achieve for yourself, don't look at anyone elses, focus on your ambitions and aspirations. Be proud of your work and put every smidgen possible of you in everything you post so it means something, to you!

Quotes! 100% gotten from Google but given credit.

o Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.o o Oscar Wilde

o Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and ito s netter to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.o o Marilyn Monroe

o Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.o o Judy Garland

o About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some wono t like you at all.o o Rita Mae Brown

o Dono t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you cano t be exactly who you are.o o Lady Gaga

o A girl should be two things: who and what she wantso o Coco Chanel

o A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not to feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. Thato s what real love amounts to o letting a person be what he really is.o o Jim Morrison

o Be yourself o not your idea of what you think somebody elseo s idea of yourself should be.o o Henry David Thoreau

o Just be yourself, there is no one better.o o Taylor Swift

"Be yourself and I promise people will enjoy it; and if they don't, forget them." - Mitchell Davis

I hope those quotes inspired you, if you didno t read them, go back and do so. They are really inspiring. Hereo s my own quote for your brain because thato s where your emotional capacity lies.

o Be yourself because there is no one in the world that can ever be a good you, as you.o o Purple_Unicornz, PMC

Sorry for the short-ish blog, I have another few coming in just a little bit so keep on your toes!

Disclaimer: I spell stuff like "snuff" because I think it puts a little bit of originality and me in my blogs because I used to say snuff instead of stuff when I was little.


Signing off,

Purple Unicornz

o ®Peace out my Unicornzo ®

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01/04/2013 3:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
United Nations
United Nations's Avatar
Epic post bro, inspired me so much!
01/04/2013 7:11 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
thecrazydudesrd's Avatar
Be yourself, everyone else is taken!

Great little piece of truth.
01/04/2013 7:17 am
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
Purple_Unicornz's Avatar
I know right!
01/04/2013 6:55 am
Level 46 : Master Pixel Puncher
Im_feeling_UnLuCky's Avatar
Nice job!
01/04/2013 6:56 am
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
Purple_Unicornz's Avatar
01/03/2013 10:25 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
soccool's Avatar
Not bad......
01/04/2013 6:31 am
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
Purple_Unicornz's Avatar
01/03/2013 9:23 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
sarcasticburger's Avatar
Weird.. I love the layout but really you make me think of those girls on facebook posting stuff like "be strong, be yourself" on their wall to get attention from other girls who want to make out with the girl who updated her status her boyfriend who notice those girls trough the comments as they feel permitted to post xxx <3 on that update. though one guy decides to be the bad boy and posts "this sucks, you suck" on her wall now he get's all the girls attention and they start shouting at them but then the bad boy his homies pop up out of nowhere starting to make nonsense comments that look like a unicorn has jumped trough a wall with the words "die, *******" on his shirt. now this girl who updated her status feels offended and deletes her post cause of this rage chain of smjghqorg people and she is thinking about what she is going to wear next day for school. she has a blue outfit but it doesn't work with the green belt she has bought the other day at a store nearby. so she asks again on facebook what to wear and the entire chain starts over. after all this trouble again she decides to wear the blue outfit, with the brown belt she loves so much and shares it on facebook. just because she wants attention from every single person she friended on facebook she is going to ask them in personal chat because a lot of people already blocked her status updates from showing on the news feed.
01/03/2013 9:28 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
Purple_Unicornz's Avatar
So you think I'm one of those facebook girls... Well, I don't even have one. (I am over 13 so I can have one, but I just don't because I kind of think that facebook is a bit stupid) Thanks for that, ummm... analogy?
I hope you enjoyed it though
01/03/2013 9:33 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
sarcasticburger's Avatar
ok here it comes,
No I don't think you're one of those girls. I have no idea what the intentions are with this blog since this is a minecraft fan site. not some sort of psychological website supporting couples who ruined their relationship. by that writing up here I mean to point that out to you, you seem to be an intelligent person, yet I don't know why you should of taken your time into creating a pretty useless blog in my point of view.
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