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FTB vs Tekkit

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Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
FTB vs Tekkit

Feed The Beast and Tekkit are the most well known minecraft mods at the moment. Currently, FTB is bigger among the minecraft community, but tekkit was just as huge (maybe a little smaller actually) in popularity and attention when it first appeared as well. Which modpack is better? You decide!

Table of Contents

I. Information about FTB and Tekkit

II. Pros and Cons of FTB

III. Pros and Cons of Tekkit

IV. General Discussion

I. Information about FTB and Tekkit


To get FTB go to their website

The Feed the Beast modpack includes: Minecraft Forge, Chickenbones Core, NEI, Advanced Machines, Buildcraft, Computer Craft, Ender Storage, Extra Bees, ExtraBioms XL, Factorization, Forestry, ForgeIRC, Gregtech, Industrial Craft, Inventory Tweaks, Iron Chests, Twilight Forest, which are other modpacks. As well as Advanced Solar Panels, GraviSuitem Modular Forcefeild System, Mystcraft, Obsidian Pressure Plates, Portal Gun, Railcraft, Steveo s Carts, and Thermal Expansion. All mods are all subject to change though.


To get Tekkit go to their website

The Tekkit pack or Technic pack (for singleplayer) which offers, Tekkit, Technic, Vanilla, and the YogBox (which include many different mods). Tekkit includes the mods: Industrial Craft 2, RedPower 2, BuildCraft, Equivalent Exchange 2, ComputerCraft, Balkono s Weapon Mod, Ender Storage, Immibiso Mods, Nether Ores, Wireless Redstone, Not Enough Items, Power Converters, Reio s Minimap, Inventory Tweaks, RailCraft, Iron Chests, Matmos, and Forge API.

FTB vs Tekkit (Mod Diagram)

II. Pros and Cons of FTB


· Modder Support: FTB asked permission of the mod makers to use the mods that is in the FTB modpack

è Therefore FTB can be updated quicker and be more up to date with the current version of Minecraft; the FTB modders work with the mod makers of the other mods so FTB can be updated quicker and with less glitches and problems.

· FTB is up to date with the current version of Minecraft

· FTB was accepted more into the Minecraft community because of the introduction to a pack of mods that Tekkit first brought out. People already saw Tekkit and recognized it as an awesome mod pack, then FTB came with permission from the actual modders who made the mods in the Tekkit pack as well as some others and excluding some mods included in the Tekkit pack.

· FTB is more popular so people want to play on the same servers as their friends and many Tekkit servers are switching to FTB.

There are many more Pros of FTB but those are the main reasons why people choose FTB over Tekkit.


· FTB does not have all of the mods that the Tekkit pack has, although they are trying to get the mods and you can suggest mods for them to add.

· There are some launcher problems, but ALL modpacks usually have problems. Ito s hard to make something without problems, no, it is impossible because nothing is perfect!

III. Pros and Cons of Tekkit


· It includes options to either play the Technic Pack, Tekkit, Yogbox or Vanilla Minecraft.

· Update options directly when you open whatever you choose to play.

· It has more mods that we love (<3) like EE and RedPower that FTB does not currently have updated.

There are many more Pros of Tekkit but those are the main reasons why people like Tekkit or choose it over FTB. (This occurrence is really minimal as of late.)


· It is currently in 1.2.5 (This was stated when Minecraft was in 1.4.5)

· No Modder Support: Tekkit has little to none modder support of the mods it includes in its pack because the Tekkit owners basically took their mods without asking (to my knowledge) and so the modders were angered and they made it more difficult for people playing Tekkit to use their mod, and wono t help/allow Tekkit to use/updated their mods so they will be stuck in previous versions on Minecraft.

IV. General Discussion

It has become apparent that the majority of minecrafters enjoy FTB more, whether they tried Tekkit before or not. Even some of the most famous players, who are famous because of their vanilla lets plays like the members of the Mindcrack Server have tried out FTB and made a lets play series out of it that people enjoy. FTB was also more accepted by the Vanilla minecrafters because Tekkit led a segway that introduced people to the idea of these big modpacks that bunched all your favorite mods into one and made it an easy multiplayer experience as well.

Some of you might remember when Tekkit came out (I know! Such a long time ago) and how popular it was, and people started choosing it over regular minecraft, and chose to play on the Tekkit launcher instead. This is similar to the response FTB is getting, though I believe that FTB is actually more popular than how Tekkit was. There are countless of examples of servers that were Tekkit and now are switching to FTB.

But lets be honest everyone. Most of you probably started with regular old minecraft. Nothing can really change how we feel about regular old #fixyourgamejeb or #fixyourgamenotch if you were a minecrafter in the old days. Dono t get to obsessive with Tekkit or FTB or just any mod in general, because somewhere along the line there is going to be another, perhaps better that you choose over FTB or Tekkit. And in the long run, thereo s still always going to be just minecraft.

And note that I never directly expressed my own opinion although the General Discussion might make it seem like I had. I want you to tell me your own experiences and opinions without having my own to persuade you one way.

- PurpleUnicornz

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04/23/2014 9:09 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect

since you can completly customize mod packs and config them and more choices :3
06/11/2013 7:45 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
but tekkit have voltz i love voltz
08/24/2013 12:37 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
There's ampz in FTB, and that's the EXACT same thing. Tekkit has nothing special there.
06/11/2013 7:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
i more like ftb
05/07/2013 7:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
And I may note most people that prefer tekkit haven't tried ftb lol.
08/23/2013 1:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Well that's where you're wrong. I played FTB for about a month, got a good house built, went to the twilight forest, and was overall doing pretty well, but everything I wanted to do was so far ahead of where I was at the time and it would take me way too long to get where I wanted to be, so I got bored and started playing Tekkit again after like a year. In Tekkit everything moved allot faster, as in if I wanted to build a huge factory I wouldn't have to worry about spending another hour mining if I ran out of materials. I could just condense what I wanted more of. Plus I could fly around using my Swiftwolf Rending Gale instead of having to pillar up using blocks, which means I could build things allot faster. I find that Tekkit moves allot faster then FTB and is way better for building, but FTB is better than Tekkit if you want a hardcore experience. But being the creative person I am, I prefer Tekkit over FTB.
02/04/2014 4:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Look up mass fabricators, quarries, and this thing called a jetpack. Make sure that you do this and look at the minecraft version of these things.
08/24/2013 12:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
I did say most, not all. And there is FTB unleashed, the new nongregtech pack. I'd suggest trying that out. Personally, I prefer things to be harder, some of the stuff in normal IC2 is practical dirt cheap, like solar pannels, which are made out of a bit of iron and coal. Btw, there is jetpacks if you didn't hear.
05/07/2013 7:17 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
Ftb wins by a mile. Tekkit has more OP mods like EE2, and all the mod makers are a bit unhappy about tekkit. Just a bit :P And ftb is more updated. And greg tech makes things hardcore which is great. I fyou don't like greg tech you can just use dire's pack.
03/29/2013 2:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
I think Tekkit is better but I like FTB too....
