Minecraft Blogs / Other

bow and arrow crosshair

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Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Is there a cross-hair / texture that indicates how long the arrow will travel if you aim a certain way (up)? i want to know how far up i have to shoot to hit where i want. or is there like a mod that gives you the ability to measure how far a point is from you? If not, could someone make it, it would be very helpful to me. Can you please help me, I waste a lot of arrows trying to hit my victim!

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07/27/2011 5:49 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
So far there isnt any mod like that, so u make a shooting range and practice shooting by urself. I cant help u as I dont mod Minecraft, only GTA San Andreas. Gd luck
07/27/2011 8:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
too bad
