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Carl and the AI Fairyland | S1 E9 | The Toadstool and the Lodestone

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Team UNNAMED's Avatar Team UNNAMED
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper

Carl the Creeper suddenly died while jogging down the sidewalk of Supermarket Island. Meanwhile, on a neighbor island, Alex was taking her new boat - which she got from her father on her birthday - for a spin with Steve. After noticing a strange new being in the ocean, the two plunged to the center of the big lake, where they came across hundreds of unidentifiable ocean mobs, and a young dragon who bravely fought the cursed creatures. Introducing himself as Galena to the snorkelers, he explained about a glitch curse that was happening nearby, and the duo nervously, but bravely, decided to help the youngling. After swimming northeast, the dragon showed them the purple and black squares of doom. After the snorkelers instantly recognized the squares, Alex stopped the glitch from spreading and managed to shrink it. She dared to enter it, Steve then Galena tagging along. The snorkelers awoke in a cube with air, with Galena in a nearby, unreachable room. After they had successfully cracked a code and opened their cube, they switched to their normal clothes and bravely stepped off the platform. They fell downwards through the water for a moment before being spat out onto a grassy ground - Galena slowly flew down with them.

"That's one way to get here," Alex said, trying to get over her fear. "Now, we've got to find the others. The portal was near the center of the lake, so we should probably head that way."
The two began to walk, but after only a few minutes, they realized that they were not alone.
"Do you think we should talk to them?" asked Steve.
"I think we should," Alex replied. "It's best to learn about the area we're in first."
"Hello there," said a passerby, waving her hand. "Who might you be?"
"We're travelers," said Alex. "We're new to the land and just looking for directions."
"Oh, well, welcome to the kingdom. I'm Princess Peach, the ruler of this land," she said with a smile.
"We're glad to be here," Steve said.
"I hope you'll enjoy your stay," Peach replied.
"We're trying to find a crystal dragon," said Alex, "but we've been trying to get directions, but no one seems to know."
"Well, that's not surprising. You see, Crystal Dragons are a rare sight, especially here in the kingdom. I'm sorry I can't help you."
"Thank you anyway," Steve replied.
The three continued their walk, looking for a sign of the dragon.
But then, they heard a cry. It sounded like a baby's wail.
"What was that?" Alex asked, looking around.
"I don't know," Steve replied.
"What if there's a baby dragon?"
"You know, that could be possible," Steve said.
"It would make sense," said the passerby. "You see, the dragon is protecting a baby dragon. It's been here for several months, and no one knows why. But a father will always protect his child, even if it costs his life."
"The dragon is a father?" asked Alex.
"Yes. He was taken in by the king to protect the kingdom from harm. The king has been unable to find the baby dragon's mother, but he has kept the baby hidden until he can find her."
"Have you seen a crystal dragon around here?" Steve asked.
"I haven't. I'm sorry. Perhaps you should ask in the town?"
"We'll try. Thank you," Steve replied.
"No problem. If you ever need anything, just let me know," Peach said.
"I will. Thanks again."
Peach turned away and continued on her way.
"What do you think?" Alex asked.
"I think we should ask in the town," Steve replied.
"That sounds like a good idea."
The two went to the town and asked about the crystal dragon.
"I'm sorry, but we haven't seen any dragon," a shopkeeper replied.
"Oh, okay. Thanks anyway."
Steve and Alex decided to go back to the castle.
"So, what are we going to do?" Alex asked as they walked.
"I guess we should head back to the castle," Steve replied. "Maybe we can get some more information there."
"It's worth a shot," said Alex.
The two made their way to the castle, where they were greeted by Peach.
"Hello, travelers," she said. "I see you're still looking for the dragon. Maybe you could speak to the king?"
"That would be a good idea," said Steve.
"Great," said Peach. "He's just through here."

Peach led the two to the king's chamber, where they were greeted by his majesty.
"How may I help you?" he asked.
"We were looking for a crystal dragon," Alex said. "We have come from the realm of Minecraft, and we have come to the kingdom to help defeat the evil crystal dragon."
"So, you are here to save us from the dragon. But how can you do it? We have tried, but none of our knights have been able to defeat him."
"He is protected by a force field that we cannot penetrate," added Peach.
"That's because he is powered by the heart of the dragon, which is also the power source of the kingdom," explained Galena, who appeared suddenly.
"My witch companion is right. However, there is a way to stop the dragon's heart. But I don't know what it is," Galena said.
"It's in the chest, but it's locked," Galena continued.
"I don't know what's in the chest, but it must be very important," Galena said. "But you know what? It's not important at all."
"Well, now that you mention it..." Steve said, walking to the chest.
"It's not in here!" he shouted. "The chest is in the throne room. The throne room is off limits!"
"And now I understand why," said Peach.
Steve and Galena looked at each other, and started to walk away.
"Oh, what was that?" Steve asked.
"It's nothing," Steve replied.
"We'll go check on our knights," Alex said.
"Thank you, my lady," Steve said.
Alex and Steve headed for the knights' barracks. The knights seemed surprised to see them.
"Oh, you're back," said one of the knights.
"Yeah, we need some information from you guys. You see, we were attacked by a crystal dragon and we need to help the king stop him," said Alex.
"What! This is bad news," said a knight.
"But we know the way to stop him, so we'll have him come out for us," said Alex.
"But you don't know where he is?" said one knight.
"No. I'm sorry. The only thing I know is that we need the dragon's heart, but we can't get it here."
"That's not enough. You'll have to talk to your king," the knight answered.
"But he's so young, and he won't listen to us," Galena answered.
"No, I think your king is wise and honorable, and I think you'll get him to listen to you," said the knight.
"We'll talk to him after our daily training," said Galena.
"Great," said the knight. "You guys are in the training grounds."
"We were looking for the crystal dragon," Alex and Steve explained. "We came to help the king."
"You're a brave knight," Galena said. "You guys are not the first to come to defeat the dragon. But there was one before you, and he did not succeed."
"What happened to him?" Alex asked.
"He failed. We're going to defeat this crystal dragon," said Galena.
The two knights looked at each other, and then they both nodded in agreement.
"Okay. You can go ahead," one of the knights said.
"Great!" said Steve and Alex. Peach and Galena followed suit. After running for hundreds of miles, the four finally reached their destination - the Crystal Waterfall, home of the crystal dragon.
"Any volunteers to head in first?" asked Alex.
"I-I will," said a brave Princess Toadstool. She walked into the waterfall, waved their hand by the covered rocks, and felt a tight gap. She signaled for others to come through as well. Galena followed, and was able to fit into the crack. But he could not move out of the crack. He tried nudging himself out, then his fellow soldiers attempted to help him, but he was too big.

However, he was finally, barely able to squeeze into the crack after hours of budging. After the four stepped around, they found a secret entrance that was too small for anyone to fit in - not even a bug. Luckily, an arrow could sludge through. There was no contraption. Galena decided to break the wall so it can be easier to crouch down too. Afterwards, they walked some more before turning to a corner. They could not believe what their eyes were visioning. What is it, you may ask in your head? Well, AI is nearly out of ink juice now, so I guess you'll have to wait until next wee

Carl and the AI Fairyland | S1 E9 | The Toadstool and the Lodestone

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