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Children friendly server?

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Hamish63_Dad's Avatar Hamish63_Dad
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Hi, I am hoping that someone can help me... my 10yr old son loves playing minecraft and has been reasonably content playing his own game... of late, the requests to play online have been growing - which my wife and I have always said 'no'. Over the weekend I set him up on a server (almost accidentally - while trying to setup a mod for him) which I though was simply 'playing the game with others' but much to our horror we found out that the server has txt capabilities... is there a server out there which does not allow txt? or even better that has an administrator overseeing conduct also? We are concerned about the usual parental issues.. any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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12/31/2016 9:02 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
JefferyColonTTV's Avatar
IF you simply want the texts off for your son, than go to options, Chat settings, and press the chat button in the top left corner twice and you will turn chat off completely.
fire emblem man yes
09/01/2016 2:20 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Prince
fire emblem man yes's Avatar
I do know a server called MCMagic which is a recreation of disneyland and has a chat filter to stop inappropriate language. They also boast that you can buy a room to live in for only 100 in-game currency.

Just Google it and you should be able to find the ip address.

What's more is that your child won't need to memorise all of the places he goes to because you can use a map of the real Park!
11/24/2015 3:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dolphin
RiditMan's Avatar
Hi, I have lots of experience since I am ten, some servers have swear filters. You have to go to settings then to chat settings to turn chat off. But then he cannot chat. If you want him to have fun,  Click here to see 11 friendly servers. Remember that people may break rules, but there are more good people out there then bad people.
05/26/2015 8:21 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Zombie
Duq's Avatar
Sorry for second post! But you could also go into your sons in game settings and go to multiplayer settings and click chat till it says commands only or chat disabled! But that would not be an issue on our anti inappropriate server ip: deadislandpvp.net
05/26/2015 8:18 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Zombie
Duq's Avatar
Deadislandpvp.net has a ready staff and anti swear and profanity bot and it would be really great for a kid who likes action! So come check us out!!! Up: Deadislandpvp.net
12/18/2014 11:37 am
Level 40 : Master Explorer
CFEW's Avatar
I know this is an old post but I'm sure parents are continuing to have this problem.  I'm the parent of an 8 and 12 year old and I know finding an appropriate server can be a real hassle!  Many are filled with bullies or foul language, or just poorly run.  I recommend finding a small server and check that there are staff in-game a lot.  Check out its forum and see how bans and drama are being dealt with too.  Make sure you educate your child about cyber safety and make sure the computer is out in view and you can look at the chat every now and then to check its appropriateness.  When I finally found a good server I ended up playing more than my children and became an admin and co-owner of it :P.  You can check out our server using the IP: join.cfew.us, our server name is Clownfish's Everyone Is Welcome Minecraft Server (CFEW).  Good luck to all parents looking for a safe and fun server for their children :).  The rewards that come with finding a good server make the search worth it btw!
03/18/2014 1:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
sa5mmm's Avatar
Hey guys,
I'm here in regards to telling all of you looking for a family friendly server to come check out Minecraft G. A server list where each server gets rated before they can get on the list. The main requirement of servers making it on the list is the precense of a chat filter and what words/phrases are blocked by it. At the time of this post only 2 servers are on the list (It takes time to rate each server.) But I'd like everyone's input, and help to try to make Minecraft G a helpful spot for all parents to find a Family Friendly Server to play on. The website is http://MinecraftGeneral.enjin.com/ if you have further questions or want to help you can email me at ContactMinecraftG@gmail.com 

Thanks for taking the time to look into Minecraft G!
08/26/2013 4:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
logan08's Avatar
holy cow other people are having the same problem. I am looking for a server my 8 year old can play on and build and play with others without them killing or stealing his stuff. we are constantly finding we spend 1/2 day looking for servers that look right then we get on and he is unable to build or find anyone. I did try the intercraften but they have confirmed my email but have not gotten back to us. try telling an 8 year old that.I did read through and jotted down some IP's we will try tonight but any help would be appreciated!!.I bet my employer thinks I have a thing for minecraft I get little work done and and I am constantly searching for minecraft topics. Thanx ..."frustrated dad"
09/27/2013 11:32 am
Level 28 : Expert Pixel Painter
aguane's Avatar
Have you tried Blocklandia? We're a group of parents that didn't like the other options out there. We have a strict chat filter that doesn't let swearing through and we constantly work with our player base to help them find respectful ways to talk through issues or problems they have when they come up (most of our players are in the 8 to 12 year old range, so they need a little help sometimes with remembering how to be respectful in an argument).
06/09/2013 5:13 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Hunter
ChrisElmore's Avatar
Hello, I'm the owner of a family friendly server called "Forus Minecraft Server", We would be delighted for your son to come onto our server, If you want more information on our server here is a page we have on Planet Minecraft www.planetminecraft.com/server/for-us-minecraft-server/
