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Choosing The Right Username / IGN | Minecraft

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Fancy-Pants's Avatar Fancy-Pants
Level 22 : Expert Artist

Choosing The Right Username / IGN | Minecraft

Since more than 16 million minecraft accounts have been sold, getting a unique username has been harder than ever. The ability to change our usernames and the replacement to UUID's is fast approaching, basically everyone is trying to come up with a new username to replace their old and sucky username; and you are in need to get creative with usernames.

Avoid Using Numbers
I'm not saying don't use numbers, I said avoid. You may use numbers if you want to, but using numbers in minecraft makes your username less professional. Try not to use usernames like bob1234, pizza311,trh9324, etc. you know how it goes. Try to be original and come up with a cool username so you can show it off.

Try Not To Get Ideas From People
I've seen many people with usernames almost the same as famous youtubers, I mean sure if you want to show that you're a fan of BajanCanadian, SkyDoesMinecraft, ASFJerome, etc. Try to make your username personal, because there's less people who do that. Let's say you like to play sports, or if you have a talent; feel free to use it in your username.

Keep it succinct (Simple)

Obviously there's a 16 character max. in a minecraft username. Don't have a really long username like jsdreid1002_24 Having a short name in minecraft gets people to notice you, like "Wow, nice username." Yes, I've seen people with awesome usernames without numbers. ie, Zillage, bj, TheRoyalUnicorn, etc. 

If You Want, Use Compound Words / Adjectives

You can use words to describe you, If you found a one word username but you think needs a bit more pizazz, try to search for adjectives starting with the same letter of your username. ie, HippyHippo, MarvelousMango, etc.

Use Software!
I suggest this the most! Use a username generator to help you get ideas. I suggest having a one word username.  Try using The Fake Word Generator, it comes up with the best usernames ever! 

Click Here For The Fake Word Generator!

Click Here For The Username Generator!
Click Here For A Username Checker! (Thanks BenJB99)

Example List: ( I generated some )
  • Jovaphile
  • Swoquix
  • Glowl
  • Tribepop
  • Goocrux
  • Modeflick
  • Neoskizzle
  • Bopster
  • Locobot
  • Goulbap
  • Yokovich
  • Hioffpo
  • Momoweb
  • Ethosien
  • Mogotrevo
  • Loopnova
  • Firehorse

Hopefully you've enjoyed reading this! A diamond would be greatly appreciated! :)
~ Luezoid

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08/29/2014 8:32 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
NoisyPrimeMC's Avatar
How about FrizOptimalPrime? Is it good? I used the username generator.....   Or should I do FrisOptimalPrime? OR FrisThunderPrime? Which one is better?  Plz Reply!! :D
Monster Unicorns
08/15/2014 1:33 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
I Actually had to add numbers to mine since apparently someone already had the name I was to choose.
07/24/2014 6:45 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
xKingdomHeart's Avatar
my ign is xKingdomHeart :l
07/23/2014 6:54 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Gent
JWire's Avatar
I took about three months to come up with a name for my new Minecraft account.
I came up with 'Jugbot'
This is still the best username I have ever came up with and I love it :D
07/23/2014 7:04 pm
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Fancy-Pants's Avatar
Actually, I think it's a snazzy username! :) I agree!
07/23/2014 6:06 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Demolitionist
Chaseisgr8's Avatar
I have actually met a player called "Bj"
07/23/2014 6:55 pm
Level 22 : Expert Artist
Fancy-Pants's Avatar
LOL Awesome! (:
07/23/2014 1:37 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pirate
LCD75's Avatar
I hate my name so much, I really want to change it in 1.8, not telling what it is, or else someone might take it.
07/23/2014 4:10 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
Mine is geico1500....
07/24/2014 1:38 am
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
sidtom's Avatar
Mine is KittyCat7891, I get blamed for greifs because people are like "I don't have to read the numbers, they're all the same!!"
