This Blog is an entry in the completed "Minedeas 2" - Blog Contest #10.

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[Contest entry] Builders' dream

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Ontvlambaar's Avatar Ontvlambaar
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist

Minecraft is a game that offers a lot of possibilities. Not only does it allow players to build anything they can imagine building, but the game also offers a playful way to interact with the unknown, to be educated.

I, myself, love the aspect of being able to create things to make others aware of the direction that we're headed with the world. To help them realize that nothing in this world is permanent, and that some species are on the edge of extinction. Creating custom landscapes with those species in it and infosigns for them is my way of educating others and raising awareness to our environment. And that all in Minecraft.

But there are some limitations in the game, that I would definately like to see added..

Slab and stair types (click to reveal idea)
The game has a big amount of blocks that dont have any slab or stair counterpart. Which is a shame.

The stones
First of all, of course, the stone types. I know a lot of people who have been complaining about not having granite, andesite and diorite slabs too. Stairs for those stone types are not mandatory in my opinion, but we desperately want slabs. Imagine being able to build little walls with stone, and having a smooth looking andesite slab on top.

Clay or concrete
We have a lot of colored blocks in the game. But slabs to go with them are nowhere to be found - and that needs to change. Just, how many times have we wanted to create a little border with slabs, when there was no proper slab/stair at our disposal? Exactly, too often!

Slab behavior (click to reveal idea)
I think a lot of you agree with me when I say that the slab behavior needs to change. Slabs cannot be combined, and I always run into the problem of not being able to place two different slab types in one block. Mapmakes will really see the benefit in this too.. But it probably makes building a little less complicated. Perhaps Mojang should hire a nanny to teach the slabs how to behave.

railtrack intersections and switchtrack (click to reveal idea)
We have a long railroad on our server. And long railroads with multiple intersections can't be in one layer in Minecraft. Which is very unfortunate. Some railroad intersection would be awesome to have. Another idea I had is having a railroad switch in one block. A bit like this:
[Contest entry] Builders' dream
If the block receives a redstone signal, the direction of the splitting road is changed.

Block variations (click to reveal idea)
Other than having several rotations, some blocks (namely plants) look very dull. It would be cool if you can place a block, which has several variations, that changes every time you place it. A bit like the painting behavior. For normal blocks, this would just be a cool feature. But for plants and vines, this would allow mapmakers to create even more detailed stuff!

More wooden items! (click to reveal idea)
So we have "oak" chests and trapdoors. But why can we have multiple door and boat variations, when we can't have chests, trap doors, crafting tables, stairs and signs for every wood type? I understand that the game would become much bigger, but isn't that the direction we're headed anyways? Minecrosoft pls.

Particle and sound blocks (click to reveal idea)
Particle and sound blocks - both functioning upon receiving a redstone signal. I would namely like to have a block that emits smoke particles. The particles appear above the block. When another block is placed above it, the particles appear (reduced) above the block that's on top of the particle block.

Possible particles:
-Zzz's (sleeping
-Green fog

Sound blocks play a sound whenever they receive a redstone signal. The sound can be heard from a maximum distance of 10 blocks. They come in handy for mapmakers, but are also a fun way to create new music.

Possible sounds:
-Birds chirping
-howling wolf

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08/16/2017 11:32 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
The ideas are good, especially block variation. I really don't care too much for it in blocks, but I really want it in plants. Also, I think you can already change the direction of a rail by connecting it to redstone. I also like the idea of particle blocks, because that would mean I could make a hot tub again, or even a Jacuzzi.
08/19/2017 5:09 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
Ontvlambaar's Avatar
Thanks! Yea, I want those particle blocks badly for one reason: I'm building a zoo, and for the Asian part, I want to build a (snowy) mountain. In front of it, a little heated pond in which Japanese Macaques bathe. Smoke particles will make it much easier to point out that the water source is hot. Something that can be done using lava blocks under a water source, but still..
08/15/2017 2:18 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
very nice idea
08/19/2017 5:06 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
Ontvlambaar's Avatar
08/14/2017 12:12 am
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Xandread_X's Avatar
I like that you went into detail over some of these topics and agree about a lot of them, especially slabs and the ability to rotate blocks as well. (because being able to have stairs vertically would be awesome)
although i do feel like that topics been brought up a lot, i still agree nice work.

When i read about your railroad idea I could not help but want to show you something that's possible with vanilla minecraft. You can use command blocks that run a test for command to check if a player in range is actively holding and item in a specified slot. (or many other possible options)

Check out this link its an old post but heres an example i had made, you can try out the schem but that design is a little outdated now and i have since improved it a little.

If you want to see some of the rails in action id be happy to show you on the server sometime i have some ideas on how i could make it so you can switch lanes with multiple tracks as well.
08/14/2017 4:17 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
Ontvlambaar's Avatar
Hey! Thanks for reading this all. The fact that more people share my idea, makes it clear that more people want it, right!?

As for the rail.. That looks really cool! I'd love to check it out sometime. However, it does need some blocks that are unfortunately inacquirable in survival (multiplayer). Would be great if Mojang added a switch track, because right now we are forced to work with a lot of elevations and levers to make such thing work.
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