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Torch-Craft's Avatar Torch-Craft
Level 54 : Grandmaster Crafter
Type this command in the command block and active it, then you will get a shulker box filled with Copper Golem material. To build the Copper Golem, place the copper block at the bottom then hold shift to place the oxidized copper on top of the copper block. Next place a pumpkin and a lighting rod on the oxidized copper. Last, place a copper button to the oxidized copper and press that button.

*Texture pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/copper-golem-not-from-mob-vote/

Command (Minecraft 1.17+):
/setblock ~ ~ ~ shulker_box{Items:[{Slot:0,id:command_block,Count:1,tag:{BlockEntityTag:{Command:'/summon minecraft:iron_golem ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:"falling_block",Time:-99999999,BlockState:{Name:"lightning_rod"}}]}'},display:{Name:'[{"text":"Block of Copper","italic":false,"color":"white"}]'}}},{Slot:1,id:chain_command_block,Count:1,tag:{BlockEntityTag:{Command:"fill ~ ~-1 ~ ~ ~2 ~ air"},display:{Name:'[{"text":"Oxidized Copper","italic":false,"color":"white"}]'}}},{Slot:2,id:acacia_button,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:'[{"text":"Copper Button","italic":false,"color":"white"}]'}}},{Slot:3,id:carved_pumpkin,Count:1},{Slot:4,id:lightning_rod,Count:1}]} replace

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11/22/2021 6:39 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
FallenyHike's Avatar
copper command
