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Craft the World: a game review

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mommaCarole's Avatar mommaCarole
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
I do NOT know why I haven't reviewed this game before now. I've spent over 200 hours playing this one... and every time they update it I scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" because I know I'm going to start ALL OVER AGAIN to play through all the content. I'm not really upset, I just can't believe how much these guys are packing into this game. Oh, right, the GAME.

Craft the World is a mining/building game. Yes, I play a lot of these, I know. In it, you play a clan of Dwarves who must brave the elements and the local hostile fauna to find the Great Portal and escape... to a bigger, scarier planet where you do it all again...

This is a 2D side-scroller like Terraria. Unlike Terraria, the graphics are designed to be slick and gorgeous, rather than deliberately retro. Your characters are adorbable, grumpy little Dwarves, each with a special name, look, outfit and job. You can have cooks, miners, climbers, swimmers, fishers, mages, lumberjacks, etc. They go about the world collecting resources so you can help them build their fortress/castle/home in the manner you see fit. And yes, you really "Craft the World." Crafting is the major goal of this game. You can play in craft-tree mode, adventure mode or sandbox mode, learning each new crafting recipe and building your repetoire of wonderous items you can make, from armor and weapons, decorative building blocks, furniture, foods, potions all the way up to a Tesla device to help fight off hordes of rampaging skeletons (or mummies, or yetis... or goblins...)

You can equip each Dwarf with items you have them craft, bettering their skills for their jobs, and protecting them from baddies. You can also take control of an individual Dwarf to speed up the building process if you like. There are also several magic spells you can use to help out your merry band of Dwarves, such as magic portals, fireballs, magic imps who will help them carry resources back to the stockpile, and more. The maps range from small/med/large (sort of like Terraria.)

The first time I played the game I said to myself "this is only in BETA?" It looked finished to me. Then Dekovir, the creators, kept on adding new content... tweaking AIs, finding and fixing glitches... It's a blast, and I highly recommend it.

The game is available on Steam for $14.99, and is worth every penny. If you only play it through ONCE, you'll accumulate over 100 hours of gameplay. You'll play it more than once though, I guarantee it. Check it out here: store.steampowered.com/app/248390/

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06/15/2017 4:26 pm
Level 27 : Expert Waffle
Entity675's Avatar
at first i thouht it was terriaria
07/10/2014 11:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
railsfortt465's Avatar
What would you say the age recommendation is for Craft the World?  My son is wanting to get this game but I can't find much info on the game to see if it is suitable for his age.  Thanks.
07/11/2014 7:53 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
it is moderately complex, with cartoon violence. The dwarves do die. I'd say 8+? (It's been a long time since my kids were that young, but I think they would have handled it fine.)
06/24/2014 4:44 pm
Level 1 : New Dragon
Galactic_Wolf's Avatar
I believe my brother plays this exactly one.
06/15/2014 8:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
doodleman169's Avatar
You make a review for Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress  http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/
This is an ASCII game. Developement started in 2002 and it is still in Alpha.There are three modes; fortress, adventure, and legends. In adventure mode you begin by generating a world, picking a landing spot, assigning skills, choosing items, and embarking. It is a complex game and is considered to have a "learning cliff". Your mission is to carve a fortress within the mountain however there is no win condition. Your fortress will fall eventually, may it be a tantrum spiral or the overwhelming amount of hidden fun stuff that can be discovered... I have yet to find the latter myself.
06/15/2014 8:52 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
doodleman169's Avatar
If you'd like to change the graphics get the Lazy Noob Pack. Dwarf therapist will allow you to manage your dwarves with more ease.
06/16/2014 9:44 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
Heh heh heh.... Dwarf fortress. I HAVE it downloaded (with the Lazy Noob Pack.) I have NOOOOOO idea how to get it to work. Because damn, I REALLY want to get eaten by a giant carp.
06/09/2014 10:30 am
Level 26 : Expert Taco
I Love Terraria
06/10/2014 8:02 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
you'll likely really enjoy this one then!
06/10/2014 8:52 am
Level 26 : Expert Taco
Where Do i Buy it and for What Console?
