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Crazy Narusaku fans, calm down. Naruhina is canon!

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
Ok so, like I said guys: I was going to do a blog about Naruhina. However, I came to the knowledge of some terrible, really terrifying news, Now before I'm going to tell you guys about this, I have nothing against 'normal' Narusaku fans who accept defeat but... maybe you guys have heard before, nevertheless there are really crazy Narusaku fans out there. We all know the original Naruto manga ended some months ago with chapter 700. I really loved this chapter because:

1. I'm a Naruhina shipper + a great Naruto fan.
2. It made sense for me.
3. Naruto became Hokage just like I always imagined.

Do you guys have ANY idea what in the world the "crazy" Narusaku fans are doing at the moment? Yes guys, believe it or not but the "crazy" Narusaku fans, have started some kind of campaign on the internet to ban the Naruto manga in USA UNLESS Kishimoto changes the ending with Narusaku taking place. My reaction to that is... ARE YOU INSANE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
And it gets even worse guys, the 'crazy' Narusaku fans have threatened to kill Kishimoto unless he'd change the ending with Narusaku happening. Once again my reaction to that: SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT. YOU WANT TO TAKE A PERSON'S LIFE JUST BECAUSE A STORY DIDN'T END THE WAY YOU WANTED IT TO END?! Lmao guys. Lmao. Seriously, this is absolutely crazy and ridiculous. Some of you guys are probably Narusaku fans, I don't care, I respect you guys. But when one of you signed up for this stupid campaign, I swear I will track you down with my batcomputer... Guys, I think this is so stupid to be honest.

Naruto is a beautiful manga, it ran for 15 years. It's about the collision of goals and hope. I want to ask a question to the ones who signed up for this stupid idea.... So, what you are basically saying is, Madara, Orochimaru, Naruto's goals, Itachi, Zabuza, Haku, ALL OF THAT WAS JUST A SIDE STORY TO YOU? COME ON, ALL YOU CARED FOR IS THE COUPLES? Hands down. You crazy Narusaku fans must take a chill pill and get out.

Now the scary part: there are already 1014 signatures while their goal was 1000. Although honestly, those people are not going to be taken seriously.

I have nothing against Narusaku fans in general, but I do have something against the Narusaku fans that signed up for this nonsense.

By the way *NEWS FLASH* Narusaku didn't make any sense at all to begin with. I always knew Naruhina would happen. A lot of people say "UHHH the 700th chapter didn't make uhh sense cuz uhhh Naruhina didn't make any sense UHH."
For those who say that, let me remind you:

1. Who was the one who Naruto was cheering for during the chūnin exams? Hinata.
2.Who was the one loving Naruto from the very beginning? Hinata, not Sakura.
3. Who was the one willing to risk her life to save Naruto from Pain? Hinata.
4. Who was the one who'd do anything for Naruto? Hinata.

Now, for one of the most valid argument:

Remember when Hinata nearly broke her neck during her fight with Pain in order to save Naruto? Naruto saw this, and he transformed into his "wild" bijuu form. Doesn't that mean anything at all?

Sakura never even gave a dang about Naruto in the first place, always saying "Sasuke AND NARUTO" instead of "Naruto and Sasuke". This shows she puts Naruto aside for Sasuke easily. She even did a fake confession to manipulate Naruto so that she could get what she wants.

Now for the Kushina argument. Which a lot of Narusaku fans use by the way. The moment before Kushina dies we see Kushina saying to baby Naruto 'You must marry a woman just like me'. Kishimoto admitted, he tried to say Sakura with that. But guess what, HE TROLLED ALL OF US OK? NARUTO ENDED UP WITH HINATA. Nope, jk. This argument is really so stupid. If you Narusaku fans would truly understand what she meant to say with this, you wouldn't use this as an argument, because you are making fun of yourself using this argument. All Kushina meant to say was that Naruto should marry a kind, heart warming woman like her. In otherwords, saying this means you Narusaku fans are dissing yourself. Hinata is kind, heart warming, cute and not to mention her loyalty to Naruto. Sakura would never love Naruto or be loyal to him in any way. If the 'loyalty' you Narusaku fans are talking about is the same loyalty as when Sakura made this fake confession to him, you are wrong. *Uhum* Anyway, I kind of made my point in this argument.

TOO BAD NARUSAKU FANS, NARUHINA IS CANON ! Anyway, I really wanted this to get off my chest. I would also have been disappointed if Naruto ended up with Sakura, so I understand the normal Narusaku fans. But the ones that signed up, TAKE A CHILL PILL. YOU HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES AND YOU NEED TO SEEK HELP. YOU CAN'T TAKE A PERSON'S LIFE BECAUSE A STORY DIDN'T END THE WAY YOU WANTED IT TO BE. Some people say 'UHHHH 15 years of character development thrown in the trash cuz of one stoopid chapter.' Chapter 700 was great. I don't understand why it should be called trash in the first place since we finally see what the entire story was all about... NARUTO BECOMING HOKAGE!

Don't forget to diamond, favourite, subscribe (if you haven't) and never EVER be shy to leave a comment. PS. I might get a lot of hate for this blog but I don't care. I'm Batman, remember? All of the people in Gotham hate me, but everything I do is for the benefit of my city. But most of you guys are great anyway.

Here it is guys... lol come on, they can't even use propper grammar...

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Gaarafan14 06/07/2015 2:19:05 amJun 7th, 2015

Added more arguments.

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03/23/2016 2:58 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
03/24/2016 3:26 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
Exactly, Naruhina forever!
09/02/2015 1:34 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
09/03/2015 1:03 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
09/04/2015 4:09 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
ALTHO i didnt see all the naruto episodes so you spoild it but im happy that naruto and hinata got marryd and that he became hokage
09/04/2015 5:59 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
You can't see it in the anime. It's in the manga and the anime is not as far as the manga is.
09/04/2015 8:45 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
will the ani8me cachup to manga ??
09/05/2015 2:08 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
It will but just not yet.
09/02/2015 1:33 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Mage
lol why the HELL   WILl any one ever want kill a man for HIS STORY
09/03/2015 1:02 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Batman
