Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

custom music in Minecraft Bedrock

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Level 24 : Expert Dragon
Welcome to another Turtoriel.
Today I will show you how you can have custom music in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.


First of all, you need certain addons.
Download them on following website and open it

Then go to Settings>Recource Packs and enable Music+ and custom music container

Add music
First go to %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\resource_packs
Go to the folder custom Music and open custom_songs.
Now you need your custom music in an ogg file.
you can convert the file here → ogg converter
If you have the ogg file then copy it into the folder just mentioned.
name it custom_1.ogg. if you have multiple music files then name them custom_2 and so on.


In the custom music folder is a file called customizer.txt. open it and search for custom music title.
Now write the name of your music between the inverted commas after custom music_1 title.
where duration is written, you write the length of your music.
For example, if the music is 2 minutes and 10 seconds long, you write 2:10.
Where duration is written in seconds, write the length of your music in seconds.
Where it says music artist, write the artist of the music.
Then save the file and you are done.

Now you are ready.

Thank you for reading through the turtoriel:-)

mylinks ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Stzyxh 05/03/2024 9:45:55 amMay 3rd

make download link up-to-date

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TheBlockyGoat Studios
06/29/2023 5:48 pm
He/Him • Level 46 : Master Lemon Nerd
This...that's because of THIS Add-On that I had to delay my "Sculk Labs" Map of 8 months...

What a memory!
