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Does anyone els try to be like Paul Soares Jr?

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Level 22 : Expert Princess
I'll try not to write a lot of words, but does anyone else look up to Paul Soares Jr?

I watched his videos BEFORE i even bought Minecraft. I don't even know him well, but he sort of feels like a dad to me almost. Yeah, I know that with school, sports, and clubs I cant be a Youtube star like Paul, but that doesn't stop me from trying :3. I'm always talking to my computer screen like paul does, and my brother thinks I'm crazy. (Even though he yells at the football players on the screen XD) So, I'd like to thank Paul for helping me through that hard first night. THANKS PAUL! XD

So if you guys would like to share you're Paul Soares Jr. related stories, you're more than welcome XD. Just please don't judge anyone of their stories. Thanks guys, have fun!



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11/15/2012 10:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Prince
Yea him and a few other youtubers showed me MC.
10/30/2012 9:40 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
I saw him. I saw Paul. Not even kidding. That was before I had fraps though... He was playing MineZ.
