Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Dragon vs Dragon

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Level 19 : Journeyman Goblin
hey minecraftians and for the people who like fighting in minecraft I have made a toturial that you can fight with dragons so there will only be steps No PICTURES but I promise you wont make a mistake because its easy and fun step by step toturial so her it is:

step 1 : Get dragon mod

step 2 : Build a server (any type)

step 3: download a stadium or build one and put it on your server

step 4 : Get freinds and train the dragons

step 5: get on the dragon

step 6: get a sword

step 7: FIGHT

OTHER WAY TO BATTLE ( Step 5-7 changed)

step 5 : tell freinds to trap their dragons in a metal cage (in stadium)

step 6 : set all dragons in attack mode

step 7 : Release dragons and FIGHT

step 6 : set dragons in attack mode

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