Published Nov 23rd, 2012, 11/23/12 3:00 pm
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Hey guys!I was wondering if you guys,the community,would like a flan's plane mod server?with a great map and great staff and hosted 24/7 ,how would you guys like that?If I get enough people to respond to this I will start this,so if you would like this leave a comment and I will get into it A.S.A.P and this will be 1.4.5 and updated at every update minecraft and flan's plane mod has,It will be pvp where people fight and attack or raid other peoples bases that will be built in a void map,I may add guns mod too,but for now,Im working on the map so dont forget to leave a comment and a diamond if you want this to happen!
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1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by smythers 11/23/2012 3:36:36 pmNov 23rd, 2012
updated info
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The server is 24/7 but is having problems at the moment.