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Forgotten Realm Chapter 3

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Darksoul128's Avatar Darksoul128
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Chapter 3
"I understand Danar I would feel the same way if I went home." Lily replied, Danar gave her a puzzled look and asked what she meant, She went on to explain that she came from a land over the sea and that she lived in a village with many others like her, then one day some people from this land appeared and watched the village a few would come to trade and ask about the land and the villagers would tell them, then one day a shot rang out from the villages entrance everyon rushed to see what had happened and there he was the scarred man and at his feet the villages elder dead, the man then waved his hand and soldiers poured out of the surrounding forest and opened fire on everyone. Lily told them that she had to watch as people she knew and loved were killed before her, her mother and father got her to the edge of the village and told her to run and not stop, she did but looked back and saw her mother and father get shot by the scarred man he then stared at her and fired his gun, she turned and kept running.

As she finished her story she looked down, Danar saw tears falling from her face he walked over and embraced her in a hug, Lily hugged him back and started weeping,

"Shhhhh Lily it's ok, I will help you and I'll make sure that man never harms you again." He told her, Lily thanked him and he let her go.

"Hey San anything to tell us about you?" Danar asked, San close her eyes for a moment then began to recall memories, memories that should not be she told them about how she can remember the feel of snow and wind, also that she could recall people both older and the same ages she looks. She then told them that she can sometimes see a building she that she enters it and hears crying and muffled speech, but she cannot understand these memories. Danar and Lily looked at her confused what did this android remember.

After some time had passed the group decided it was time to get some rest, Lily and Danar dropped off leaving San awake and alone she looked around the room they were in, it was covered in dust but nothing stood out.

San stood up and left the room leaving Danar and Lily to their dreams, she wandered the house,"Dreams, sleep every feeling humans have, why do I have faint memories of them?" She asked herself, she quickly scouted the building and found nothing of interest. She returned to Danar and Lily and sat against a wall hugging her knees to her chest, she awaited the sun rise so they could continue their journey.

As the sun rose the birds of the forest sang, causing Danar and Lily to awake, "I'm hungry we haven't eaten since the village." Lily sleepily said, Danar said he's go look for food, he went to the basement and manasged to find some fresh fruit. As he went back to the room he heard what sounded like engines stopping outside. He found a window and looked outside, "Damn it the soldiers have found us again." Danar exclaimed, he ran back to the room and shut the door behind him, Lily asked what was going on and Danar explained, she grabbed some fruit while Danar came up with a plan.

"Damn no matter what we are stuck." Danar yelled, he heard the soldier approaching San walked to the door and stood facing it, Danar heard them outside and called for San to move. As the door opened the soldier stopped and stared San in the eyes, he went to say something but before he could San had activated her blades and stabbed him, he fell dead his comrade opened fire but San dodged and rushed him slicing him across the chest. San removed her cloak and dropped it, "I will distract them you two make an escape." San told them as she jumped down the stairs to meet the soldiers in battle.

Danar took Lily's arm and ran the opposite way, he knew there was a second hidden staircase to the basement, as he reached it the door busrt open and soldiers emerged, "Damn didn't think they'd find it." He said as he threw one of his swords at a soldier, it went through his chest Danar pulled out his second sword and rushed the other guy, he connected and sent himself and the soldier hurtling down the stairs. Lily grabbed Danar's sword and followed him down. San had fallen a large number of soldiers but more kept coming, blood streaked her face and arms, San readied to fight more soldiers but a bullet flew in and struck her shoulder, she recoiled and hit the ground. "A sniper." She said to herself, she got up and ran towards a window she jumped through it and headed into the woods.

Danar landed hard on the floor of the basement, the soldier was up and had his gun pointed at Danar, "Goodbye." The soldier said, as he went to pull the trigger he was engulfed by flames, Lily ran down and kicked the soldier back letting the flames kill him, she helped Danar up and gave him his sword.

"Now what?" Lily asked, Danar did not know there was only one way out and it led outside, he pushed the trapdoors open and helped Lily climb out, they both ran into the woods as the soldiers pursued.

San was breathing heavily the sniper shot had caused a massive wound and she was bleeding seriously, she headed deep into the woods to try and get away. She heard soldiers talking and running behind her, she ducked behind a tree to catch her breath

"Where would those two have gone, seeing as Danar is being her guardian he will head for somewhere easy to defend." San said.

Danar and Lily had headed up the mountains, Danar knew that there were caves he could hide in and if the soldiers did find them then he would be able to keep them at bay. He saw a cave and headed for it.

"There they are open fire!" Yelled a captain.

Danar swore and grabbed Lily before diving into the cave, bullets whipped past and embedded themselves into the cave wall, Lily began shaking and cried quietly. Danar sighed and knew he would have to use his powers, he gently pushed Lily away from him and walked to the cave entrance.

"Danar what are you doing?"Lily asked,

"Getting rid of them, don't worry I'll be OK." He replied, he smiled at her and left the cave as he did his hair grew long and dark energy spiralled around him, the soldiers saw Danar and many stepped back, the captain looked at them and ordered them to open fire or he would court martial them all. They hesitated and then opened fire, Danar smiled and drew his swords, many of the bullets were blocked by the demonic energy and the ones that weren't Danar deflected with his swords, the soldiers quickly ran out of ammo, they pulled out their swords and rushed at Danar.

"Huge mistake." He growled, Danar felled the first few with single strikes, one swung at him but he simply dodged, he span round and sliced the soldier in two his upper body flew towards the captain and left a streak of crimson blood across the snow, Danar laughed.

"You are in-human, no one has this much power without being a monster." the captain said, Danar smirked and rushed forward, he under-estimated the captain though,he may have been old but he was use to fighting and was able to dodge Danar's strikes. The captain retaliated with a few quick swings, Danar easily blocked them and they began exchanging blows with neither gaining or losing an advantage. Danar grew angry and his demonic energy grew stronger, he jumped back and focused his energy into his swords swinging them he sent a wave of demonic power towards the captain, the captain raised his sword to block but the wave just shattered his sword and sliced him across his chest.

"I just realised what you are, a Demon knight and the last one alive." the captain said

"So what if you know your dead." Danar replied

"That may be but don't you want answers about who killed your parents?" the Captain asked

Danar went to talk but simply nodded,

"Very well, that night was my first mission in over a year, I didn't know what we were doing, we were simply told it was to remove a future threat. Our commander that day was Commander Jassen or as he is known the scarred." The captain said.

Danar felt memories of that night returning and he remembered seeing a face it was Jassen,
Danar's powers began to recede and he sheathed his blade.

"I thank you, even if you are my opponent you have honour." Danar replied, the captain weakly smiled and told Danar that more soldiers were on their way and where they were coming from. Danar thanked him again and turned to return to Lily. The captain watched him leave and then fell to the ground dead.

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