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Free Game Review -Ib-

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Level 28 : Expert Nerd

Ib...is a game that will likely make you think twice about visiting the strange new art gallery in town. Centered around a little girl named Ib, this game takes you from a perfectly normal looking art gallery...into a much darker, more twisted one where the art literally jumps off the wall to kill you. Full of puzzles and plenty of spooks here and there, but not all too scary, Ib is a good game not only for seasoned players, but also for those new to the genre.


In my experience, I found Ib to be a decently fun game. Sure, there are points where you will get stuck...and probably end up googling a solution to. And then when you do, you realize how seriously brain dead some of these puzzles really are. I've learned that you can't over think things...otherwise, you'll end up being stuck on the same puzzle for hours and probably end up rage quitting before you solve it. If you like having a jolt here and there, this game is indeed quite fun. Especially if you're not paying attention.

Control & Gameplay

The controls in Ib are pretty basic, really. If you've played the standard 2D RPG style game, the controls in this game should be pretty easy to get the hang of. Luckily, the game doesn't waste your time with control tutorials at the beginning...unless you like that sort of thing. As for gameplay...well, this isn't exactly an action packed game, and you don't really have a way to defend yourself from the monsters. You basically just walk around, solving puzzles and running away from the creepy things that infest your environment. If you're into games that have complex button combinations for everything....this isn't the game for you.


The graphics in Ib are...pretty basic really. It has a very 2D-RPG look...of course, it has it's own unique style. I think it looks good, especially for a free game. At the same time, the graphics are not the best in the world. Still, they are a refreshing sight, sticking to a classic game style that you really don't see much of in games nowadays.


I think the true strength of this game lies in the music and sounds you hear as you play. While it is normally pretty quiet, the music always seems to come in at ideal moments to give you a slight chill. The sounds are not exactly meant to sound realistic in anyway, but then again, this isn't a realistic game. But, if you like a game with atmosphere, Ib's soundtrack definitely gives it to you.

Would You Play it Again?

While in the game seems pretty long at first, if you know what you're doing, it's quite easily a game you can play more than once. Especially if you're hoping to see the multiple endings of it. I refuse to tell you what these ending are, you'll just have to figure them out for yourself.


At the end of the day, Ib is a decent game. Despite the simplicity and sometimes difficulty that come with it, I definitely recommend it. If you do wish to play this game yourself, be glad that it is completely free. You can download it here.

Now, tell me what you think. If you've played this game as well, give your opinion on it.

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