Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Getting Better Ping

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ButterChips's Avatar ButterChips
Level 20 : Expert Miner
Ever having lagging problems like having more than 300+ pings? Well then you can lower your ping by just stopping a download you are downloading. High Pings are occure when someone is downloading in your internet connection.
Or you can exit all the programs that are not useful.

Here is the ping before solving it:


Here is the ping after solving it:


Hopes this helps you people fixing your ping :)

CreditPrayCrew ButterChips

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09/26/2012 10:12 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn
9ReMiX9's Avatar
Actually that isn't the only way to lower you inter net PING. As you may know PING is just a measure of how fast your internet is on the servers website. It is effected not only by downloads but my the amount of bandwidth you have . If you have low bandwidth and more than 3 people connected it will perform slowing making your PING lower.
07/17/2015 4:40 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
DeltaDragonxx's Avatar
Thats actually not at all what ping is. Ping is how long signal a takes to get to server b
