This Blog is an entry in the completed "Minedeas 2" - Blog Contest #10.

Minecraft Blogs / Article

Higher Build Limit to make Minecraft Great agan!

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JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar JohnnyCoolwater
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
Push MINECRAFT to the next Level
We all want it and we all will get it NO BUILD LIMIT.
The Picture below shows one of my Projects wich need Higher Build Limit, the Sky Scrapers are cutted -_- and that is the small Alien ship i have =D the Big dont fits in.
Higher Build Limit to make Minecraft Great agan!

Minecraft is said to be a game with no limits even though it is made out
of blocks. The only limits we currently have in minecraft are the block
choices and the height limit. As we know new blocks are added into the
game all the time and so there is no need for that but the real issue is
the world height. Currently the world height is at 256 blocks which is
an increase from 64 blocks when minecraft first was released but it
isn't really enough.

Now you might think 256 block is enough but for the creative community
it really isn't. The world height is limiting us from making even bigger
and better creations in minecraft. With a higher height limit we could
create so much more than we currently can with the current height limit.

You might ask yourself will this cause more lag? I actually have no idea
but my guess would be yes. Therefore I would want the height limit to
be a changable option ranging from 256 -> 512 -> 1024. Just
imagine all the things that we could create with 1000 block height
limit!! I can't even count the numerous of things I would like to make,
maybe a new and even cooler dropper map?!

We need a Higher building Limit to make Minecraft Great agan!
It should be 512 Blocks or 1024 Blocks.
- All players could build bigger and more realistic Buildings
- It woould be awesome^^
- More Fun
- Minecraft first !!! Minecraft first !!! Minecraft first !!!

Why i want this upgrade?
Because i want build bigger buildings and alien ships which are floating over the cities
i want complete my biggest Project: A Postapocalytic City which is controled by Aliens^^.
Here are some pics of my Projects wich are waiting for this upgrade:
+ CITY 17
Higher Build Limit to make Minecraft Great agan!
Higher Build Limit to make Minecraft Great agan!
+ Post APO City

This UPGRADE would be USEFULL for all Minecraft Player !!!
I dont understand why Mojang dont do this-_- .....
If i know how to do this i would have done it.
Iam waiting and waiting.....
I hope Mojang will read this too
and cant sleep and will dream about it
and when they dream i hope they cant sleep and screem about it...

Minecraft need Obsidian Items too
Obsidian is my favorite Material in Minecraft, i use it for my Alien STUFF which is not allready uploaded.
Obsidian Tools and weapons and Amor would be Great
I need this items not by a Mod ! we need it in minecraft by Mojang.
I miss more opportunities to use this Material.

We need Stairs and Slabs of Obsidian to create Obsidian Creations with more Details and Acurate.

What do you think about it?
Please write it down in the comments below.

SORRY for my English^^ =D that is not my language

When you like it please COMMENT it and left a DIAMOND !!!. =)

SUBSCRIBE me to see my next Creations or Skins ;)

>>> Johnnys YouTube Channel <<<

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by JohnnyCoolwater 08/15/2017 3:47:34 pmAug 15th, 2017

Some Changes,PIC+Text

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02/22/2021 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
PsychoMonkey's Avatar
update: total world height as of 1.17 can be increased to -4K deep 4K tall using a datapack
12/11/2023 10:13 am
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
hi sorry for the long time xD, but what i can build higher?
09/16/2020 11:08 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
PsychoMonkey's Avatar
they'll probably increase it in the java 1.17 update
02/29/2020 7:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TheVitaminDerp's Avatar
Isn't there a simple way to mod JavaMC to increase the build height? BTW even with Netherite coming I still think obsidian tools would be pimp! 😎
03/05/2020 3:07 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
Its not simple . I dont kown wich mod you could build higher?! Do you ?
03/06/2020 1:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TheVitaminDerp's Avatar
no i need to start looking into it lol 🤪
03/06/2020 8:03 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
yes do it and you will not find anything
02/22/2021 6:56 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
PsychoMonkey's Avatar
cubic chunks mod
12/24/2019 11:11 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Artist
ChinaStarGateFan's Avatar
It must be!!!
12/25/2019 7:23 am
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
yes , i hope they change it after 1.16. Because they will change the mountains!
