Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Add Custom Music in Minecraft 1.6 w/ Resource Packs

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Nannarki46's Avatar Nannarki46
Level 45 : Master Droid
When replacing the minecraft record sounds be sure to rename them to another one of the default record names. This basically replaces the default sound with your song.

For creating your resource pack to change the songs/records:

1) Go to: %appdata%.minecraftresourcepacks

2) Make a folder with the name you want to use for your pack.

3) Open notepad, paste the quoted text below and save it as pack.mcmeta inside the folder you made.

4) Inside your folder make a new folder called "assets", open that folder and make a new folder called "minecraft".

5) You now have a resource pack that is ready for you to add sound or texture files.
Paste this into your pack.mcmeta file:

"pack": { "pack_format": 1, "description": "Default Resource Pack"

Audacity - adf.ly/RgEws

Notepad++ - adf.ly/RgEyl

Be sure to check out my channel @ Nannarki46

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01/30/2014 8:17 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
killer3505's Avatar
again a FAILURE! the (...) guys >.< this is NOT, i repeat NOT! MUSIC! these are all sounds!!! ffs are you stupid?
11/17/2013 1:52 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
oONummyBearsArmyOo's Avatar
08/17/2013 9:46 pm
Level 46 : Master Modder
super292's Avatar
Well done :)
