Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Change Minecraft Versions and Enable Snapshots

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ItzBurnout's Avatar ItzBurnout
Level 24 : Expert Architect
On the server I moderate one of the questions I'm often asked, especially after Minecraft has been updated to a new version, is "How do I downgrade my Minecraft to an older version?". The server I moderate is almost dependent upon Bukkit, so we tend to wait until Bukkit is released before updating. When we don't, we lose a significant amount of players. Players who are either too lazy to downgrade or simply don't know how to downgrade. So let's go through step by step how to change your Minecraft version and how enable snapshots!

Step One (Edit Profile):
Open your Minecraft Launcher and click the "Edit Profile" button.


Step Two (Editor):
The Profile Editor window will pop up, go to the "Version Selection" section.


Step Three (Selecting Versions):
Select which version of Minecraft you wish to use from the "Use Version" scroll box. If you do not wish to enable snapshots, skip to step seven.


Step Four (Enabling Snapshots):
Under Version Selection, click on the "Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")" check box.


Step Five (Confirmation):
A confirmation window will appear. It is highly recommended that you back up your files before enabling / using snapshots.
Click the "Yes" button to continue.


Step Six (Selecting Snapshots):
Available snapshots will have been added to the "Use Version" scroll box. Select which Minecraft snapshot you wish to use.


Step Seven (Saving):
After selecting which version or Minecraft or which snapshot you wish to use click on the "Save Profile" button. You must do this or your changes will not be saved.


You're ready to play! If it is the first time you are playing the specific version or snapshot of Minecraft it will automatically be downloaded.

Enjoy! ^^

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