Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to create a missing texture block!

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Kaotic Kingdom's Avatar Kaotic Kingdom
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Did you ever wonder how to get a missing texture block in minecraft?
well I figured out how!
Just make a new texture pack and stuff then edit a block however you want to. Next you need to save it then open it up with WinRAR or 7-Zip, then change it too a png file then save it as the file! then put your new texture pack on and presto! you now have a missing texture block!

       Your welcome!

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06/04/2015 4:30 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
tobbestark's Avatar
I think it works by trying to give the player an item with an invalid tag
For example minecraft:cobblestone 2, bacause there is only one type of cobblestone
06/03/2015 10:21 am
Level 34 : Artisan Archer
_Hybrid's Avatar
Or make the texture two different dimensions (ex. 16 x 17).
Or create an invalid block model.
Or assign a block model to a non existant texture.
Or create an invalid block.png.mcmeta

Not too hard xD
I bet theres more ways as well
06/03/2015 2:29 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Built_Creati0ns's Avatar
or do /give <name> 71:2 (i think)
