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How to create a void world!

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Staazz_'s Avatar Staazz_
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Have you ever wanted to create a void world to make your very own skyblock, parkour, or adventure map? The old way was to use the program MCedit, but most people don't have or can't run that program. So, this is how to get a void world in Regular Minecraft (1.7.x-1.8.x)!

Step 1: Create a new world via the singleplayer screen.
Step 2: Make sure your world is in survival or creative.
Step 3: Select "More world options"
Step 4: Enable Cheats
Step 5: Click on the worldtype option until it says "superflat"
Step 6: Press "customize" below the superflat button
Step 7: Click on the "Presets button, and get rid of the text at the top of that page.
Step 8: Type in that box 1;0
Step 9: Create your world.
Step 10: If in survival, type /gamemode c or /gamemode 1 to enter creative before falling into the void.
Step 11: Once in creative, fly up to at least above y0 and type in the following command: /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:stone for 1.8 or /setblock ~ ~ ~ 1 for 1.7.
Step 12: Build off that stone block to create your world.
Step 13: Enjoy :)

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12/02/2014 12:50 pm
Level 26 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
Neat instructions. Very useful.

I've also found it simple to just create a world with only gravel, place a block, wait for it to all fall, and then you've got a single floating block to build off of without any commands,
12/02/2014 5:28 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
RetroCityRampage's Avatar
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO.
im sorry but NONONONO
12/02/2014 1:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Staazz_'s Avatar
The problem that some minecrafters might have with this statigie is the lag facter. You have to have a beefy comp. to hanlde all of the falling entities and it mightcrash many down level computors.
12/02/2014 7:01 pm
Level 26 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
A valid point. I usually don't have that problem and wouldn't have caught on to that.
12/02/2014 8:02 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Staazz_'s Avatar
Its a great idea though :) u gotta have teh beefty comp though xD
12/02/2014 12:01 am
Level 39 : Artisan Sailor
tomatotownn's Avatar
12/01/2014 6:49 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn
Reddt's Avatar
Thanks! I always messed up with the 1;0, because I thought it was 1:0. :P
