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How to make a good/popular faction/pvp server.

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soliderproductions's Avatar soliderproductions
Level 44 : Master Dragon
How to make a good faction/pvp server.

Many people wants to make a faction server, what most people don't know is "how to get it popular". So I hope this will help you alot.

A Good Name And Title:
Make a cool title, like [New Server] [Faction/PvP]"servername"- Drop party every day!
In the [] you can write breef information, And then you write the servername, and after that you can write something that can get players to the server! -Like I did in the example "Drop Party every day", but promise what you say of cource (Not say/promise something in the title that aren't true, if you do this people will get mad at you and leave bad feedback, and with bad feedack you will "never" be able to create a good server unless you don't do something with it.)

staff: This is the most importent thing with a faction server:
- All staff need to listen to all members when they "speak" (Are chatting).
- Staff that not invites everyone they want to a faction (And gives them all the stuff they want).
- Operats alone (If they are going to cheat).

You probably want RAID=Allowed. (Then remember this):
- Be clear when you type the rules, example: where p= person
- Stealing is allowed, NOT GRIEFING, A,p.) Ohh, I though stealing was to destory the blocks... (I've seen many owners who then lets the person go without getting banned or jailed, I recommend you to tempban the person atleast 5 days, if not they will probably do it again.)
Allways make sure they know the rules WELL.

Rules: Be clear, and if this is a raid server please don't have many rules, like: NO GRIFING.
-Not cool, I want to grief, because that's very cool when it is factions.
(Those who don't like grifing allowed, they have then no reason to be here could just leave.)

Use multi world if you want to have diffrent worlds with diffrent rules.

Make good spawn buildings. Use many areas like,

Good plugins: This is the worst place, and this is where many players is NOT so good in. But here is the best plugins you could use for a faction/pvp server.
-Multi World
- World guard (Will make a simple tutorial for this plugin)
- Faction plugin (Will make a simple tutorial for simple commands.
- Essentials.
- Essentials groupmanager or PEX (PermissionEX)
.- now it's all up to you, but use only plugins you know how to deal with. (or atleast know someone who can) (Learn them if you don't know them, recommended).

This should be all the information you need, if it is anything you want me to add leave a comment or send me a PM. If any quetions reply (Please not pm this).

Hope you liked it.

CreditPeople who comments!

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by soliderproductions 12/15/2013 7:41:47 amDec 15th, 2013

Update 7:
- Well something happened to the text, letters I've never seen appeard on the text, I don't know when, but now it's fixed.
- Minor spelling and grammar fixes.

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12/15/2013 9:46 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
12/12/2013 11:00 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Ranger
OwnerCherry's Avatar
Join my OP Faction server FUN AS HELL IP:
09/07/2014 6:18 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Goldenhawk1000's Avatar
Hell isn't fun
08/09/2013 1:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Elpidio1Shaw's Avatar
dude i liked your feed on this, can you come on mc-rust.com and give us the result on what you think we should add and remove?
à Ã
07/11/2013 5:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
UltraCF's Avatar
this is crap.
07/11/2013 6:11 pm
Level 44 : Master Dragon
soliderproductions's Avatar
Can you at least tell why?
07/12/2013 10:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
UltraCF's Avatar
lots of spelling mistakes, and there is a post of this so this is sorta copied. sorry.
