Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To Build A Nice Looking Traditional Home | Part 1

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Level 28 : Expert Architect
Hello everyone, this is my first blog, so sorry if I ramble or anything like that (Yeah, I know I sort of just rambled.)

The first step to making a traditional house is choosing multiple colors that look nice together. The ones below look nice together.


These will be the colors for your walls, the ones to the left are pillars that go all the way up to where your roof will be. The one in the bottom right will be the main color. and will be broken up by the block on the top right like so.


Notice how there's a different amount of regular sandstone between the chisled sandstone. This will help break up an easily seen pattern will still not being random. The next step is to add the garage. You don't want the garage to be flush with everything else. Instead you want to add depth and put it closer or further away then the front wall. What this will help us with later is a wrap around porch.


You also may want to add a window in the garage door and use sideways quartz pillars as your main component of the door. Another cool affect you can add is the garage opening. Another thing to do is make the walls at different heights this will add a lot when making your roof. The next step is to add more depth with making an extension to one of the walls.


In this step I did a couple of things that make the house look that much better with little done. I used light gray panes to add depth and not a perfectly crisp clearness. Using trapdoors along the side of the windows as shudders and a little window sill thing with flower pots on them. I also made the window so it goes all the way up the side of the wall with a little room on the top and bottom. The next step is going to be adding a porch and front door.


Notice how the porch wraps around the front side. There also is an alternation between the fence gates and fences. Notice the welcome mat also it gives the feel like your supposed to rub your feet, but also serves as hidden lighting with glowstone underneath the carpet. Finally, to end part one I will do the roof of the building, the part that can make or break your building.


In this I think it is fair to say that the roof made the building. Notice the outline with quartz and then the main component is oak wood (the same color as the porch and sill, otherwise there would be to many colors going on at once. Finally, for those of who think it won't look good in default.


Part two will be up as soon as I get around to it for those who want to know.

The texture pack is Flows HD.


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12/10/2013 6:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cool can't wait for part two
12/10/2013 6:41 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
