Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Make a Resource Pack [1.6.1-1.7.2]

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johnsenprudente17's Avatar johnsenprudente17
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Hi guys,this is my first tutorial anyways so I hope you like it!

Today,I'm gonna show you how to make a resource pack for 1.6.1-1.7.2.I made this because starting in 1.6.1,texture packs were changed to resource packs.So let's get started.

  • First make a folder in your desktop and name it what ever you want to name your resource pack.
  • Inside that folder,make another folder and name it assets,make a 128x128 thumbnail picture, (this will be the texture pack picture) and and a pack.mcmeta.
  1. To make your pack.mcmeta copy-paste this to a text editor:

"description":"My Resource Pack"

and name it pack.mcmeta (Make sure to save it as "All Files") then put it to your resource pack folder.
Note:You can leave the description as "My Resource Pack"or you can change it to something more exciting.
  • After that,make a folder inside the assets folder and call it minecraft.
  • Then you are ready to find the files you want to customize.
  • If you want,for an example,to make a texture of a block in minecraft different like you want purple bricks instead of red,all you have to do first is to make a textures folder inside the minecraft folder and create a blocks folder in it,then go to a editing program that has transparency like Gimp,Pixlr,and Microsoft Paint(only has transparency on Windows XP),make a 16x16 pixel picture of your purple bricks and place it on your blocks folder and make sure you call it brick.png (Note:It automatically knows that your brick.png is the bricks picture in minecraft even if you only name it bricks.)Other things that you can add to your resource pack are languages,custom sounds,icons,etc.To make/add this to your resource pack go to the link here.
  • Then,after you are done,make a Zip/Winrar folder in your desktop and highlight the assets folder,the resource pack picture and the pack.mcmeta and move them to the Zip/Winrar folder.Make sure to call the Zip/Winrar folder what you want to call the resource pack.

Note #1:To put this to minecraft,go to my tutorial to how to put texture/resource packs to minecraft here.
Note #2:You can also convert texture packs into resource packs by using Dinnerbone's Texture Ender which you download it here.

Sorry if there are any mistakes I have been making anyways since this is my first tutorial.

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08/16/2014 5:55 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Skinner
Lyronis's Avatar
This tutorial is useful! i am making my own resource pack, but until now i did not fully understand how to do it.
