Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

• How to make a spinning avatar! •

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rugger_buns's Avatar rugger_buns
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Hey guys, it's ruggerbuns and today I'm going to show you how to create your very own personalized spinning avatar! You can see mine is my minecraft head spinning around!

All right, the first step is to download the skin that you are using. A quick way to do this is to go to www.minecraft.net/skin/{USER NAME}.png

Make sure to replace {USER NAME} with your actual minecraft in game name. So for me it would be www.minecraft.net/skin/ruggerbuns.png

Now that you have your skin downloaded, you will have to crop out every side of your head and make them individual images. Try using the default picture editor on your computer, but if that is too hard, I recommend PAINT.net http://www.getpaint.net/download.html

You must cut out each side of your head as well as the top (You wont need the bottom) In the end you should have 5 separate photos of your minecraft face.

I recommend enlarging these pictures so the final product isn't blurry. To do this in PAINT.net, open your photo and click Image on the top and then Resize. The Resampling selection should be set to Nearest Neighbor. I recommend each picture 100x100 pixels but you can do whatever you want.

Next, head over to http://avatar.pho.to/cube/ and click From Disk. Select each photo individually and they should pop up on the bar in the center of the page. In Slot 1, put the Top of your character's skin. In Slot 2 put Either Side. In Slot 3 put the Front Side. In Slot 4 put the Other Side you didn't use yet. And in Slot 5 put the Back Side.

Now that you have all of your photos lined up correctly, click Apply.

You might have to wait a minute for the picture to load, but once it's done, you can edit the size, frames, speed, and text of the avatar. Once you are completely done editing the avatar, click Save And Share. You may then click Download in the bottom right or copy and paste the link given in the bottom left.

So that is how you create a spinning avatar, hope you enjoyed and if you did a diamond would be much appreciated!

If you have any questions or problems, post in the comments!


5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by rugger_buns 11/09/2014 1:13:05 pmNov 9th, 2014

Added more info on PAINT.net!

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10/23/2015 3:14 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
xCoraCat_'s Avatar
Hey, nice. One problem; whenever I click 'Apply' it comes up with the next screen but it tells me 'Server failed to process a request'
ANy idea what this means? I resized my images to 100 pixels, and I followed the steps almost 100%. I'm kinda disappointed ;o;
10/25/2015 9:00 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
rugger_buns's Avatar
hmm maybe try refreshing the page and re-uploading the photos, other than that I have no idea. If you want, I could try and use your photos on my computer then send you the finished product.
10/26/2015 2:13 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
xCoraCat_'s Avatar
That'd be great o3o Unfortunatly, refreshing the page didnt work ;o; My IGN is EnderKrystal, I changed it recently so it might be a bit glitchy, I dont know..
10/27/2015 1:06 am
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
rugger_buns's Avatar
10/28/2015 6:05 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
xCoraCat_'s Avatar
Great thanks, although you got the wrong skin Dx If you'd like to get it direct without Novaskin, I posted it on my PMC account as kelz DaJellyBean ;3 Sorry about this, but it looks great ;D
02/18/2015 2:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
The_Masked_Gamer_09's Avatar
Will you Make It for me my ign is 
11/16/2014 6:47 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
qaupperops's Avatar
Le sigh. Did everything right. spent 2 mins loading page. End result: every side was my face.
11/09/2014 5:26 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
milliondollardan's Avatar
Could you do it for me? My mc name is milliondollardan
(i can't download it...)
11/09/2014 11:39 am
Level 22 : Expert Pokémon
aris9834's Avatar
I'm having trouble making the face 100x100. I use photoshop, and whenever I do it, it gets all blurry. And I can't get the pixel size right. Can you help me make mine? (transparent background, if transparent isnt an option, white, and no text)
11/09/2014 1:11 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
rugger_buns's Avatar
Try downloading PAINT.net, when you have it downloaded, open up the images with PAINT.net and type ctrl+R. This will open up the resize menu. Enter in 100 by 100 for the pixel section and the top drop down menu should say "Nearest Neighbor" If you have anymore trouble, just ask :)
