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How to make an awesome faction

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Bellaabzug21's Avatar Bellaabzug21
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
Starting a new faction can be difficult to do. But with this guide it will become easy as making cake out of eggs, sugar, wheat, and milk.

Consider where you build your base. The main locations you can build are base is underground; near bedrock if possible, in the air; near sky limit if possible, on land, and on, or at the bottom of the sea. If it's underground be aware of caves around you, try and fill them in or at least block them off because if an enemy can get into them they may be able to get close to your base, also you may have a mob problem if you don't light it up properly or build in a slime chunk. Building underground is one of the most safe methods. On ground, what most bases are on. I do not recommend being above ground unless your base is wrapped with obsidian or with water. Being on ground enemies can get right up close to your base but then you can be close to your enemies. Also be careful of caves directly below your base that enemies could 'glitch' up from straight into your base. Being above ground also brings you closer to water, wood, and food which you'll probably need. In the air your base is virtually above everything, you can see what is happening and if you're under attack you can plan out what to do more easily. Some other things for being in the air is that you can drop tnt, water, creepers, whatever down to cause mayhem for people below trying to get up. Being in the air you are still under threat from cannons and also if your power is low people may be able to just overclaim your faction land and get up.

Build walls out of obsidian, eventually at least, if you don't have enough obsidian wrap it with water as tnt does not damage blocks if it's in water. If you really don't want people in wrap it with different layers, outside water, 1 layer obsidian inside that, 1 layer lava inside that, 1 layer cobblestone inside or something to stop people from getting in, or something similar to that. You can set tnt traps, or pitfall traps (I recommend pitfall as you can guide where the items go, it's less messy, less supplies, except less explosive P) Make sure there are no caverns under your base so enemies can't glitch up from into your base, or easily you could dig out a small room under your base (possibly filled with lava or mobs) to surprise any players wanting to glitch up. Never have redstone inputs in your base, if there is a pressure plate an enemy could just set tnt next to it, standing on the pressure plate, the tnt item will automaticly go back into their inventory because they can't build but a 'primed tnt' will be set there, when it starts to fuse and it can and will explode, to prevent this try and put furnaces or another block that you can not place a block on and will attempt to open around the redstone input so the tnt is unplacable, or you could have some water system to break open if tnt is set somewhere. If the faction config is set so chests etc could be open try and hide them and with chests put 1-2 solid blocks on them so they cannot be opened. If you have an iron door with a switch or other input activating it an enemy could just break the block or the actual door and press the switch etc which will open the door allowing them to walk through freely, also with double doors, don't use them, there is a glitch where if a player places a redstone torch next to double doors one will open and the other one will open and close glitching it and opening the first one (a bug in 1.0.0). Another thing is hackers, on very rare occasions they'll be those people who can just hack into your base, try thickening your roof and floor etc, I think the hacker gets kicked if they hack through more then 8-10 or so blocks. You can never really have an unraidable base, you can have a difficult to raid base but every single base will have a weak spot.

Be careful of your stats. Type /f show or /f who to check your stats. Take into consideration the amount of power and land you have. Each player you have grants 10 power to the max power. So if I had 7 players I will have 70 max power. If any of those players had been dying recently your current power (not to be confused with max) will be decreased. Now do not overclaim, if you have 48 land, but your faction had been dying recently and your current power went down to 45, enemies can 'overclaim' your land. They can claim 3 of your land chunks and your land will decrease. I reccomend trying to keep your base small so you only have to claim a certain amount of chunks (and there is less ways for enemies to get in) and surrounding chunks. So remember to keep your current power far above your land mass.

Enemies and allies-
Never randomly enemy factions, that'll only make you more wanted, and soon you'll have tons of factions knowing your coordinates attempting to get in. Try and work up a base of allies and try and know who you can really trust. Never let an ally in your base unless you really trust them and if it's important like you're under attack etc. Never invite a new ally you just met into your base. Only enemy people who have attacked you, you don't like, enemied you, or have a pretty good reason to enemy with.

You can never trust anyone. Keep your eye on new members, but also even keep your eye on moderators in your faction too. You never know who you would of been betrayed unless they leave an obvious sign. Try and limit the amount of members you have to narrow down who could of betrayed you if unknown and it's easier to handle because if you have to many people it's harder to sort out any problems or questions they have and if they feel your not giving them enough attention a couple may turn their backs on you. A good way to make sure you can't get betrayed is limit was access each member has in the base, I recommend only using /f mod [name] for players who you truly trust and in other cases give each member their own section of the base by ./f owner [name] which gives ownership to the player who you pick to the chunk of land you are standing in so only moderators, the owner and that player can build in it. Also when joining a faction be careful, some guys just want to lure players into their factions to kill them and take their stuff.

You can use any of these methods vise versa offensively when raiding other bases for supplies. Remember you can still make your base aesthetic and look good, but try to keep the aesthetics to the inside, because if it's not raid proof it may end up decimated to the ground with nothing left.

I hope anyone who read this tutorial found it useful.

Note: I do not support any griefing, however if a chest is unprotected I believe it is perfectly fine to raid it. UNLESS the server rules forbid it.

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Team Ham
07/24/2012 4:12 am
Level 37 : Artisan Network
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Very Impressive Diamond for You
07/24/2012 2:09 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
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nice sir :)
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