Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make resource packs 1.6

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Level 36 : Artisan Nerd
Today i'll be showing you how make resource packs

requirements: Paint.net, GIMP. or photoshop and 7-zip or winrar i use 7-zip

1. Create a new folder on your desktop

2. locate your .minecraft folder to do this go to start type %appdata% then hit enter your .minecraft folder should be in there

3. go into versions then open the the 1.7.2 folder see minecraft.jar open it with 7-zip or winrar

4. see the assets folder drag that into your folder on your desktop

5. scroll to the bottom then up a little see pack.png and pack.mcmeta put those in your folder

6. pack.png is your picture for the pack example of sphax's pack.png :Image and video hosting by TinyPic
7.you can edit that if you want make sure you don't use paint use paint.net, gimp, or photoshop

8. pack.mcmeta is what the words say below pack.png edit that with notepad make sure you only change "the default look of minecraft" text

9.now for the textures go into your folder on your desktop/assets/minecraft/textures/blocks or items etc

10.now edit what ever you want :)

11.when your done put in everything inside the folder in a zip then put it into your resource packs folder

12. close it minecraft select your pack

13.then share it with the world

now your done :)

if it did not work pm me

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by TechGuy473 11/14/2013 10:07:32 amNov 14th, 2013

Fixed more typos

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Gamecool 10
11/02/2013 1:46 pm
Level 23 : Expert Archer
I'm using paint.net, but the brush paints pixels in a star shape, not a pixel at a time.
