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How to Migrate or Import a Minecraft Account

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Valerie1234's Avatar Valerie1234
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Minecraft is an intriguing and interesting video game. Since its inception, it has received unappalled liking from the gaming community. A game of its caliber is one worth playing, regardless of the devices you use. You cannot afford to lose track of progress made. Transferring your data is free, and lets you enjoy all your accolades and achievements in the next devices.
How to Migrate or Import a Minecraft Account

Informative Insights into Migration and Data Retention on Minecraft

As you contemplate transferring your Minecraft account to another email, it is imperative to know that this function is reserved for the old Minecraft users. Here, old refers to accounts that were created on or before 2012. All the accounts created after the stated period should rest easy and not bother themselves with migration.

For a transfer to be effected, one must have a functional email address that the account will be assigned to. You are at liberty to select any address, but Microsoft Outlook is highly recommended. Research shows that most users have fewer complaints than their counterparts, thanks to its stability and ease of use.

Mojang recently published an essay encouraging old users to desist from illegal transfer attempts using unregistered applications. The piece featured among illegal immigration essay topics discouraging violation of Minecraft gaming immigration policies. Ever since examples of such boldness have been published: people are now importing data to their accounts the right way.

How to Import your Minecraft Data when Migrating

As easy as it is, there should be no cause warranting one to abandon their old Minecraft account. Upgrading to a new device is no excuse! The transfer procedure is easy and will have you enjoying your game from where you left it on your previous device. But first, what are the advantages of migrating to an all-inclusive Mojang account?
  1. It gives you the chance to change your Minecraft user name and email address.
  2. It gives unlimited access to Minecraft reams.
  3. It beefs up your security via the utilization of security questions.
  4. You consolidate all your Mojang games.
  5. Access to minecraft.net gives you the ability to change Minecraft skin and cape.

In addition to the above-mentioned pros, you get to enjoy an email-enabled sign-in procedure to your new account that houses all Mojang games and services, inclusive of Minecraft and minecraft.net.

To the real deal: the migration takes place in three simple steps, as explained below.

1. Go to Mojang online migrate page

This platform acts as a launching board for you to make that leap from the old to new comprehensive account. On the page, you will be requested to provide your Minecraft email address, password and username. This will affect the smooth transition from the old to the new Mojang account.

What is Mojang? It is the mother company to Minecraft, currently owned by Microsoft. This explains why Outlook accounts are preferred.

How to Migrate or Import a Minecraft Account

Enter the credentials of your to be created account

At this stage, you will type in the credentials you will use for your new Minecraft, now termed as a Mojang account. Please key in the same credentials used to create the new account and log in. For you not to forget, note down your details on personal papers or journal and keep it safe.

Before completing the process, your age and agreement to the terms and conditions will be requested. Once you submit this, gladly hit the migrate button and watch the magic unfold. All the data from the previous account will automatically be added to the newly created Mojang account.

3. Contingency plan

It would be unfair if there wasn’t a contingency plan initiated should the first two fail: they rarely do. The plan is simple: reach out to the customer support team via their contacts provided on the site and they will fix the problem for you. No need to be persuasive with them, just state the mayhem clearly and respectfully and you will be assisted.

Parting Shot

There is no need to cling onto the past when people are migrating to the future. Mojang offers an efficient platform to initiate the change in minimal time and unlock a world of unending gaming. Follow the outlined steps and migrate to a world full of unlimited access to games.

Minecraft will definitely brighten your day and sharpen your wits.

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