Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to use /tellraw.

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Bowzin's Avatar Bowzin
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
/tellraw is actually not to difficult if you take it apart.
Here is an example of a /tellraw command:
/tellraw @a {text:"Click to accept",color:red,hoverEvent:{action:show_text,value:"Make sure you read the rules!"},clickEvent:{action:run_command,value:"/tp @a ~ ~5 ~"}}

The first part(@a) just selects the player(s) you want to see the message.
The next part(text:"...") is what will show up on the screen for the player.
The color part shows what color the text will show up as.
Then we have hoverEvent, which is what is said when the player mouses over the text.
The action: part is what will happen when the player does mouse over it so it is the same as hoverEvent.
clickEvent and action for that is what happens when a player clicks the text.
Also you can add more things by adding the whole bracketed section again and changing it however you want.

So as you can see it isn't as difficult as it seems. I will be posting more information to this blog later.

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02/20/2014 6:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Ranger
noahdiamondaxe's Avatar
Usiing it rght now!
