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Inspiration - Where Does it Come From?

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Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hi guys, Greytopher here with a blog about inspiration. I get questions everyday that consist of 'where does your inspiration come from' or 'I've lost my inspiration to write... how do I get it back?'. In this blog, I'll help you realize that inspiration can come from anything, and I will try to help you develop inspiration for yourself.

What Is 'Inspiration'?

Depending on who you are, what you do, and how you do it is how your inspiration comes to be. Inspiration the one thing that helps you do what you want to do, it inspires you and makes you want to do something. It's that thing that makes you want to build for a purpose, it's that thing that makes you write for a purpose. Inspiration is the key thing that motivates you to keep going. For me, my inspiration is you, the viewer. I know when I post something, that it doesn't get hidden under all of the other blogs, but it's seen by people who support me. With that in the back of my head, it inspires me to keep writing blogs like this one, and what I hope in life is that people gain the inspiration to do something they love, not forced to do something they hate.

How Do You 'Get' Inspiration?

Inspiration can come from anything, depending on who you are. In Minecraft relations, I see people who are inspiring builders themselves. They build awesome creations, like Circleight and lynchyinc. They build literally the most amazing things I've ever seen, and that makes me want to build. Although I'm an average builder, looking at those things give me the inspiration and ideas to make me build.

That also makes you wonder, how do THEY get their inspiration? Upon interviewing some very active builders on servers that I play on, I get a whole variety of answers, answers that are actually really interesting to hear. From the 10 I interviewed, a lot of them said 'I look at DeviantArt, and try to find the amazing architectual skill that's drawn/made on there.' I looked at the website to see if it's true, and my good golly gosh, it was a very inspirational experience. The website is clean, easy to use, and awesome for being specific in what you want to build. I highly recommend this site if you need inspiration building, since what it has to offer is truely amazing.

For me, as a blogger, my inspiration comes and goes. I don't know what my next blog will be, and I don't prepare weeks in advance, or write it down. I try to think about what it will be the day before I do it, or in this case specifically, I was thinking about it minutes before posting it. My inspiration is never reliable, though in the end it turns out well, most of the time. I try and try to think of ideas, but I usually gain inspiration by looking through PMC, remembering what people have told me, or, a lot of my inspiration comes from Oliverfrenchie and Snowylips. Their blogs are fun to read, and gives myself ideas of what to write.

Oddly enough, even going for a walk, or taking a piss can get you inspiration... one of my blog ideas actually came from me taking a pee... don't ask me which one! The main point of that is: if you take your mind off of it for a while, an idea will pop in. If you think about it too much, you'll be over thinking what to do, stressing your head and what-not. Just relax, take a chill pill, and it will be done before you know it!

Taking Breaks...

Now, I know that some of you may know, I don't post every day. On average, I like to post every three days. Why? Because:

  1. It gives my subscribers a chance to relax. If I post too much, I'm overloading my viewers. Turn it down a notch, bro, and give yourself some time to think about what to do next.
  2. It gives MYSELF time to relax. If you overload yourself, you won't put out good content. Taking frequent breaks and moderating yourself is good for you, don't be disappointed in yourself, just remember that it's quality over quantity.
  3. You get more time for yourself, not to be a slave. I have seen loads of people post every day because they're devoted to their subscribers. I know that they mean the best, but you need something else to do in life! If you take a break, you get more ideas of what to do next rather than freaking out each day and stressing yourself.

Taking a break is also good for you, health wise. If you're a hard worker, and haven't taken a vacation in months, you should take one. Why? Because if you work your butt off and don't take any breaks, you become grumpy (depending on your job), the quality of what you do slows down, and everyone around you becomes unhappy. It can also make stress on you, and stress can lead to depression and other types of illnesses. Don;t threaten your life. Don't be that guy.

Vacations are there for a reason. Use your vacation to escape from building, working, writing, skinning, ect. A vacation is suppost to relax you, and you have to use that to your own advantage. Return to what you do feeling better than ever, and be sure to post the best content out there.

That's all I have for now!

If you liked this blog, please leave a diamond, favorite, and most of all subscribe for more content!

Please do not repost this anywhere else on the web without my consent, thank you.


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11/19/2012 9:04 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
I love how your inspiration for the picture came from the Wand and Font of Insomnia Server =)
11/19/2012 9:05 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Well, haha, I did make the logo. :P
11/19/2012 9:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Haha I guess, we have copyrighted it now =)
10/26/2012 11:25 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
My personal inspiration comes from Steampunk skins and packs, and some meditation, it helps me think things through.
10/21/2012 10:21 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
How do you get inspiration? Well, I get mine from your blogs!
10/18/2012 8:41 pm
Level 1 : New Architect
Me, my inspirations comes from my dreams. But first, I must load my brain with DeviantART masterpieces.
10/14/2012 1:04 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman System
Hey, i have a connection to this blog: One of my Subbies, Henryhenry made this "mansion extension",
so i though, Wow, i should make something like this, and that is what i am working on now.
10/14/2012 2:15 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Good ;D
10/14/2012 3:37 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman System
Henry henry is a level one. (give him some support, he has good potential.)
10/14/2012 12:35 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn
That's a great blog, Porkchop! I haven't been posting in some time because I am drawing the characters from BlazBlue Continuum Shift (a video game my sister plays) on paper and I am in search of a printer because mine broke down, so that then, when I am done, I can post a gradual income of posts, not too much nor too little and without any spikes of too much or nothing at all (post rate).
Have a jolly good day, sir!
