Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview with Palaeos: My Role Model

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Midnight's Avatar Midnight
Retired Moderator
Level 46 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Art that Jetra made a few weeks after I posted this: http://i.imgur.com/HUrLX3Y.jpg

Ever since I became active on PMC-chat I've had the utmost respect for Palaeos. I have always appreciated how well he handles issues maturely and efficiently. When members ask why they are banned he gives them the reason why and shows them the rules. Doesn't complain, doesn't get angry, just does his Site-Mod duty.

I'm very pleased to have the chance to do this interview, so lets begin! ^_^


20 though 3 months short of 21, born in Texas, spent most of my life in Indiana, and the last year in middle of nowhere thumb of Michigan.

http://imgur.com/KVOkVC1 - Momma cat (who we don't have anymore)
http://imgur.com/xSPvfCM - The kittens when they were a couple weeks old
http://imgur.com/Gr47WFS - The bigger one from the other night, name is Gibbs
http://oi42.tinypic.com/rbyukw.jpg - The smaller one. his name is Ducky

My cousin showed it to me in early alpha, and I noticed it to be similar to legos in certain aspects. I spent a great deal of time playing MC classic right after and then my cousin gave me the login info for his account, helped download the game and an inv edit mod. Shortly after I went a couple of months without internet so I spent a great deal of time playing I believe one of the last alpha versions.
It wasn't until 1.2.4 of the full release that I could even get premium for palaeos which I had reserved since I found out about the game.

I originally came here a couple of times looking a skins via google searches, eventually signed up to post my 2 smurf skins which I made for 2 of the mods on the server I had played at the time, which was the second server I had ever played for an extended period of time.


I honestly cannot remember specifically what made me want to stay, but it was either a couple of the posts by carole/kacboy on the forums or just the lure of making/posting skins.


Honestly those came from boredom and they seemed fun after the first one so I made a few more since, though its more difficult since the patch that made it so SPC (single player commands) can't have reach modifiers, I miss placing blocks from 50 spaces away.

Not really, I use one name for everything for a really long time.

Wish I was on PMC, in all seriousness its usually playing Civ 5/LoL with friends or Xbox, also my 4 hours max per week day job of hardware store janitor.

I was pretty happy when I got the PM from Cyprezz as well as happy about who was in the message with me (though I'm the only one of that group PM who stayed mod this long)

Hardest thing for me to get used to when I became mod was trying to be quick about answers, patience is not a strong suit of the internet, especially when you take their things

Rank alone? No. I feel everyone should be respected or in the very least treated with respect, even if you don't respect someone for what they do/are you should at least treat them with respect, even if they don't deserve it. Boy is it hard at times to do that though, not fun or easy to respect someone who is verbally abusing you.


PixeloveR: I wonder how he still able to moderate the chat everyday like this, it must be terribly boring. Also... he's a vey active site mod so... I don't know how he's able to do this, that's crazy, pmc seems very hard to handle..

The hardest part is the fact at times it feels like what I do isn't helping and that people will continue to ignore all the help we give and warnings until they are just kciked off the site in its entirety. Its gotten to the point that I don't feel even slightly remorseful for banning someone just because they were unaware something went somewhere.

Lynchyinc: I would like to know if you had to choose; would you rather fight 100 Chicken sized Steves, or 1 Steve sized Chicken.

1 Steve sized chicken, we all know the weakpoint of a tall thing is the knees, also that is a lot of dinner.

Supernova666: What do you find the most challenging about moderation work?

Being happy.

Jetra: What does he like to do in his freetime (except minecraft)

I used to enjoy drawing but sadly have lost passion for that in the past couple of years so now its pretty much computer/xbox/tv. I'd be screwed if Y2K happened.

XDInsanity: What color is your toothbrush?

Blue, I got it from the dentist, he gave me 2 tubes of toothpaste and some floss to go with it, I won't see that dentist again because yay moving out of state.

(Anonymous-1) Why don't you play Dota 2

Because LoL is better, though I would never even begin to want to moderate that community, the worst hatemail I have ever gotten on PMC is like an apology compared to what I might get there.

(Anonymous-2) What's your opinion on Batman

Needs to wear less black, too hard to skin and who does the grey versions


Its pretty great, especially considering at this point in time I don't know what to do without PMC, I autopilot click my PMC bookmark every time I close a tab because I finished doing what ever, even if PMC is down and I know it.

Follow the rules, we don't believe that your brother did it and I personally do not believe sorry, proof it other than just by saying it and I might believe you.

All the things. In all seriousness, one of the most annoying things to deal with is someone who cannot even be bothered to read or follow simple rules who decided that any mod had to have been abusive to have banned them. Follow the rules and you might not have your stuff removed, we have far too many people to deal with and not enough time to go pick on people who follow the rules, seriously. Yes, people doing that makes me want to punch my computer monitor.

I actually did enjoy it, was one of the better experiences with interviews that I have had.

I'd like to say that I hope you like turtles, because I do.


My only goal that I ever had on this site was to Interview Palaeos, and I did. It wasn't just because he was a site mod, but because of the respect I have for him. He works hard to keep this site in-order and not many people thank him for it. So thank you Palaeos, you do a wonderful job! It was an honor interviewing you. People of PMC: Don't forget to share your love for your favorite mod, they work hard and don't get much love or appreciation. Everyone needs a little love from time to time!


CreditJetra for the photo, Palaeos for the interview, Candlebor for helping with secretness, Jetra for holding my hand as I waited for Palaeos to reply, Supernova666 for being British, other people for their quetions

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10/21/2013 3:01 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Craft's Avatar
still don't no who this Palaeos is lol
10/21/2013 10:01 am
Level 46 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Midnight's Avatar
10/21/2013 8:21 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Craft's Avatar
still doesn't mean anything to me or how I should know him lol
10/21/2013 8:24 pm
Level 46 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Midnight's Avatar
He is orange and purty and has cats.
10/21/2013 8:56 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Craft's Avatar
and your point is?
09/04/2013 5:26 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Temporarily disabled the submission. Changes are required. Not enough Palaeos raging, needs more Palaeos and cats.

Submission Rules
09/04/2013 5:36 pm
Level 46 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Midnight's Avatar
So THAT'S what it looks like. Ooooooh
08/24/2013 10:42 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Archer
bobeh28's Avatar
08/22/2013 1:42 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
FocusLight's Avatar
This is one of the more pleasant-looking interviews I've seen. Really well done! :D
08/24/2013 11:54 am
Level 46 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Midnight's Avatar
Thanks ^_^
