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Item Frames: A Useful Item Or A Nuisance?

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Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
Ever since item frames came out, I've always seen them as a much more neat and organized way to sort items in chests, or just use them for decoration around a house.

But as of recently, I've noticed a considerable amount of lag in my world caused by them. I just finished my storage room, and I've been adding item frames to organize everything. I had about 50-60 entities in my world before adding item frames, and I added roughly 40 item frames in total.

Now, as I turn towards the direction of my storage room from the surface, my fps drops from a steady 60 fps to 20-30 fps. I've removed almost all of the item frames, and the lag is gone.

I'm not here to rant. I love the item frames. The issue is they can cause a log of lag, adding to entities. I replaced most of them with signs because signs don't count as entities, so they don't cause any extra lag.

Would there be any way to possibly convert item frames into full blocks like a sign, rather than an entity? I really love them, but they can cause a considerable amount of lag in high numbers.

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07/19/2013 1:45 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice System
Yes. They shouldn't be an entity but a block. I totally agree with you. I have made a mob arena with item frames to show the classes, but creepers would still break the item frames, even though I had mob griefing(mobs can't destroy blocks).
