Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Item Sorter/Filter Turtorial - popreel

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Beorn725's Avatar Beorn725
Level 37 : Artisan Bear
I've realized that there are many things that Minecrafters tend to think are very simple, yet anyone new to the game is left clueless. One of these, I think, is the item sorter.

1.place a chest(output) (I used a hopper)
2.make a tower of three hoppers on top of it
3.two blocks away from the chest place a block
4.on top of this block place a repeater facing the chest
5.on either side of the repeater place blocks.
6.on the side of the block in front of the repeater place a redstone torch
7.on top of the block behind the repeater place redstone dust
8.place block on top of; the torch, the repeater, and, the block the torch is on
9.on the block on top of the torch place a comparator, facing away from the hopper tower
10.in fron of the comparator place two redstone dust
11.fill the hopper next to the lime wool(a.k.a. the 2nd hopper from the chest) with your desired item.

13.fill the hopper next to the yellow wool as shown below (do not have over 100 items in it at one time) (Dirt-any named item)

That's it! (It may not work for the first few items)

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