Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Make Your Minecraft Run Like A Dream ~ No Lag, No Crashes

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_CuddlyCactusMC_'s Avatar _CuddlyCactusMC_
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
First off... If you have a Mac, GO AWAY!!! I will not provide support for Mac as a Mac's graphics card is *cough* SPECIAL *cough*...

Does your Minecraft run slow? Does it crash every five seconds? Then I have the info for you!

With MCv1.7.2 we get many new video options features, unfortunately a lot of them are extremely buggy and require lots of fiddling. In this post I am going to tell you how exactly to configure these settings for best performance. I am going to also explain what EXACTLY these options do.

I will go in order starting with the top left menu setting working my way down the list.

1: Graphics:


Default: FANCY

This option is very old, it used to be the only video/rendering option in the game. This tells the game how to render transparencies (Leaves, Glass, Etc.). Most newer computers handle transparencies just fine and you can just leave this on FANCY, but if you have Integrated Graphics, or a really old graphics card you should change this option to FAST.

2: Smooth Lighting:


Default: MAXIMUM

This option tells the game how to render light levels, weather it should blend the brightnesses across blocks or not. If you have a nice PC that can handle trigonomic polygonal rendering...leave it at MAXIMUM. If you have a loptop set it to MINIMUM, for anything with Integrated Graphics turn it OFF.

3: 3D Anaglyph:

Options: ON/OFF

Default: OFF

If you feel like playing Minecraft while wearing red and cyan go ahead and enable this, it makes Minecraft 3-D. Otherwise, leave it OFF.

4: GUI Scale:


Default: AUTO

This is just the size of your GUI, you can set this to whatever you want, it won't affect performance.

5: Brightness:


Default: MOODY

Also, doesn't affect performance, it just changes the brightness.

6: Particles:


Default: ALL

Depending on what CPU you have, the math involved in rendering particles can be intensive. For a desktop computer you should be fine with ALL, for a laptop choose MINIMAL.

7: Fullscreen:

Options: ON/OFF

Default: OFF

Hate that annoying bar on to of your Minecraft window? Turn this ON. In some computers this may improve performance due to the way your computer allocates CPU usage to processes (complicated). Basically, if Minecraft is in full screen your computer gives Minecraft top priority over other processes just because it is o biggero .

8: Render Distance:

Options: 1-16 CHUNKS

Default: 16 CHUNKS

This new feature in 1.7.2 is a real kick in the teeth, simply put, it will always render 16 CHUNKS, all the slider does is affect how far away the o fogo is. Depending on your GPU fog can be a good or a bad thing, if I were you I'd settle for a o Render Distanceo of 8 CHUNKS.

9: Mipmap Level:


Default: OFF

This smoothes jagged edges, and is GPU intensive leave it OFF.

10: Max Framerate



Finally, a framerate limiter in Minecraft!, every great game has one of these. The human eye can only perceive 30 FPS on a good day, the average household monitor only supports 60 FPS. If on a desktop computer set this limiter to 60 FPS as it will drastically increase you Chunk-Load times. If on a laptop set the limiter to the eye perceivable 30 FPS and notice the real bang for the buck.

11: View Bobbing

Options: ON/OFF

Default: ON

This is just weather you move side to side while you walk. It doesn't effect performance, choose what you like.

12: Advanced OpenGL

Options: ON/OFF

Default: OFF

Enable this if you have a nice GPU as it will make everything smoother. Otherwise leave it OFF.

13: Clouds:

Options: ON/OFF

Default: ON

Unless your render distance is really high you'll never see them, turn them OFF for best performance.

14: Server Textures:

Options: ON/OFF

Default: ON

Turn this off! Last thing you want is some server installing and enabling a MASSIVE! HD Resource Pack that lags your computer to crap.

15: Use Vsync:

Options: ON/OFF

Default: OFF

Depending on your monitor this could be a curse or a godsend to enable. Make your own decision and see how your computer reacts.

16: Anisotropic Filtering:


Default: OFF

Leave this OFF unless you like seeing circles instead of squares.

This Completes The Tutorial!

Hope It Helps!,


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by _CuddlyCactusMC_ 11/05/2013 1:11:18 pmNov 5th, 2013

added support for touch screen users

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11/02/2013 6:16 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
SneakyEpicface11's Avatar
Still lags, I'm waiting for optifine before I update.
11/02/2013 6:18 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
_CuddlyCactusMC_'s Avatar
you didn't read the whole thing did you... i just posted this like 30 seconds ago.
11/02/2013 6:37 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
SneakyEpicface11's Avatar
It was easy to read in 5 minuets
11/02/2013 6:37 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
SneakyEpicface11's Avatar
I did read through it, and I already had the options like these on before I read this.
It doesn't really help. I'm just waiting for optifine.
