Minecraft Blogs / Review

Minecraft 1.4.1 pre-release

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Level 31 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Villagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :DVillagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
There's a new kind of Zombie, too
Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137

A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

and more ..... :D

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by MONDAYMONEY 11/05/2012 4:13:46 amNov 5th, 2012

Check out video

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10/27/2012 11:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
o o o o o o o o

SWEET! I just got a free Minecraft card code at (Ad link removed) /> o o o o o o o o
10/24/2012 10:12 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Princess
  • Will This Be In 1.4.1 And Whn Will Release Any Clue?!

