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Minecraft 1.8 RELEASE!!!

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Creative Anne's Avatar Creative Anne
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
Minecraft 1.8 has finally been officially released! "The Bountiful
Update" has added everything from new blocks and crafting recipes, to
new commands, new items, food, mobs, and even a huge underwater dungeon!

The new blocks added in 1.8 are:
~3 new stone types - Granite, Diorite, and Andesite, and polished
versions of all three, crafted with four of whichever raw block in a
     ~Coarse Dirt, which is a slightly rougher looking
version of normal dirt, and is crafted in a 2x2 space, with two gravel
in opposite corners, and dirt in the other corners. Also, grass can't
spread to Coarse Dirt.
     ~Red Sandstone, along with chiseled,
smooth, stairs, and slabs, all crafted like normal sandstone blocks,
just with Red Standstone. A normal Red Sandstone block is crafted by
making a 2x2 square of Red Sand.
     ~Wet sponges, which you get by placing a sponge in water (more explanation later :D).
~Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, and Dark Prismarine, which you can find
in the new underwater dungeon! And sea lanterns which are blueish and
give off light, and can also be found in underwater dungeons.
~SLIME BLOCKS WHICH ARE AMAZING!!!!! You can craft Slime Blocks with a
3x3 square of slime balls. Also they are BOUNCY!! If you fall on a Slime
Block from any height, you take no fall damage and you get bounced back
up about 60% of the blocks you fell from. If you hold space bar, you
bounce a normal jump height. If you hold shift, you take fall damage and
don't bounce.
     ~Armor Stands, which are crafted with sticks in
an "I" shape in a crafting table, with a stone slab in the
bottom-middle. You can use them to display armor, mod heads, items, or
you could use commands to create sculptures, animations, etc. ;)
Seriously though, there’s so much you can do with them it’s insane, so here's a helpful link to a pretty impressive commands guide!
~Banners, which are crafted just like a sign, but replace wood planks
with any color of wool, and there ya go! There’s a whole bunch of stuff
you can do with different designs on banners and stuff, but this blog is
already gonna be suuuuper long, so here’s another helpful link!
~More fence/fence gate types. Now there’s a new type of fence (and
fence gate) for every single type of wood (oak, birch, spruce, jungle,
acacia, and dark oak). The fence crafting recipe changed also: two
sticks in the center, and two of whichever kind of wood planks of either
side. Gates are the same, but the type of gate depends on whatever type
of wood planks you use.
     ~Iron trapdoor, which is crafted like a
normal trapdoor, but with iron ingots. You can only open it by powering
it with a Redstone signal.
     ~New doors, one for each wood type,
which are crafted like a normal door, just with whatever type of wood
planks! Also, now you get three doors when you craft one, and doors also
stack in stacks of 64 now.

SO sorry, that took so long, but ya know, huge update xD

There are three new mobs in this update:
~Endermites, which sometimes spawn when you open an Ender Chest or when
an Enderman teleports. Endermen hate them with all their being, and
will chase and attack them until they’re dead, even chasing them into
     ~Guardians, which guard the Ocean Monument (the new
dungeon). They have 30 health (15 full hearts) and they drop Prismarine
Crystals, 0, and Raw Fish.
     ~Rabbits! They’re cute, and hop
around ^-^. When killed, they drop Raw Rabbit, Rabbit Hide (which can be
crafted in a 2x2 square to make leather), and Rabbit Feet, which can be
brewed into Potions of Leaping (jump boost)!

There’s a few new foods added:
     ~Cooked rabbit, which heals 2.5 hunger points.
     ~Rabbit Stew, which is crafted with a bowl, cooked rabbit, carrot, mushroom, and a baked potato, and heals 5 hunger points.
     ~Mutton, which you get from killing sheep now, which when cooked heals 3 hunger points.

Next thing are the new commands. I’m not gonna go into TOO much detail, because heck, I could go on for hours! xD
~/blockdata command, which allows you to edit NBT tags for some blocks.
The command format is “/blockdata <x> <y> <z>
     ~/clone command, which allows you to copy a
selected area of blocks to another area. The command format is “/clone
<x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2>
<x> <y> <z> [mode]”
     ~/execute, which I don’t
really know anything about but, the command format is “/execute
<entity> <x> <y> <z> <command>” OR
“/execute <x> <y> <z> detect <x> <y>
<z> <block> <data> <command>”
command which lets you fill an area with blocks. “/fill <x1>
<y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <TileName>
[dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]”
     ~/particle command,
which lets you show a particle relative to an entity or at a certain
coordinate. “/particle <name> <x> <y> <z>
<xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [mode]”
~/testforblocks command, and the name kinda says it all :).
“/testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2>
<z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]”
     ~/title command, which shows text across the screen. “/title <player> <title:subtitle:clear:reset:times>”
     ~/trigger, which idk about. “trigger <objective> <add:set> <value>”
~/worldborder, which creates a transparent, striped, impenetrable wall
around a specified area. “/worldborder
     ~/stats command, not really sure what it does... “/stats <entity:block>”

~Enchanting now needs 1-3 lapis depending on which enchantment you
choose. Also, you can now see ONE of the enchantments you’re gonna get
on whatever you’re enchanting. When you enchant you only use 1-3 levels
now, instead of up to 30. For example, if you want a level 30
enchantment, you need 30 levels, and 3 lapis, but you only use up 3
    ~Max render distance is not 32 chunks.
    ~Adventure mode keeps you from destroying blocks unless the item has the CanDestroy data tag.
    ~Block ID numbers can’t be used for /give or whatever, not you have to use “minecraft:(name of block)”.
~New spectator mode (/gamemode 3) makes you invisible, and unable to
interact with blocks (so you can no-clip) and entites. But if you left
click on a mob or player, you see everything through their eyes, which
can be pretty cool :D.
    ~F3 menu was TOTALLY redone.
    ~Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling and floor.
    ~Second layers can be put on the entire body of a skin!

all for this update! If I forgot anything, which I probably did, please
feel free to let me know in the comments! If you made it this far,
you’re awesome! ^-^ Thank’s so much for reading my blog, and as usual,
if you found this helpful, drop a diamond! Byeeeee!!!!

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11/14/2014 11:03 pm
Level 28 : Expert Network
Swag Lord
Swag Lord's Avatar
And that's not all! I tried to convince a 1.7.10 user to start using 1.8, but he was being stubborn. Diamond for you!
11/15/2014 2:40 am
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
Creative Anne
Creative Anne's Avatar
Thanks! But i can kinda understand why they wouldn't want to use 1.8 yet cause there are soooo many bugs that are gonna get fixed in 1.8.1, whenever that comes out.
11/15/2014 3:18 am
Level 28 : Expert Network
Swag Lord
Swag Lord's Avatar
Wait, nevermind lol. I saw your blogs with snapshots!
11/15/2014 2:53 am
Level 28 : Expert Network
Swag Lord
Swag Lord's Avatar
You don't have to wait for 1.8.1. I have an article on snapshots (develpomental versions). You can read about it through my account! :)
11/15/2014 3:02 am
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
Creative Anne
Creative Anne's Avatar
Well, yeah, I'm pretty sure 1.8 pre1 has less bugs than the actual 1.8 release xD
11/15/2014 3:03 am
Level 28 : Expert Network
Swag Lord
Swag Lord's Avatar
No, not 1.8 pre-release, 1.8.1 pre-release
11/15/2014 3:19 am
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
Creative Anne
Creative Anne's Avatar
ohhh lol i didnt even know 1.8.1 pre came out xD I just know 1.8 pre-1 is less buggy
09/04/2014 1:07 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dolphin
ProofDust640's Avatar
I think you should mention "The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog"
09/04/2014 6:17 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
Creative Anne
Creative Anne's Avatar
haha i'll read about it and add it in. thanks for the feedback!
09/05/2014 9:59 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dolphin
ProofDust640's Avatar
No problem.  This is a really nice blog btw :)
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