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1.4.5 Seed 3 Villages, Surface Spawner AND Desert Temple!

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Bannanners's Avatar Bannanners
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Hey guys, Bannanners here i bought a private server for me and a friend to play on so we could beat the game together and the seed we got stuck with was accualy.. AMAZING it had SOOOO much randomly spawned things within 500 blocks of the spawn then i have EVER seen in a minecraft world! 3 VILLAGES, DESERT TEMPLE, AND A SURFACE SKELETON SPAWNER!!! (Coords at the bottom of page) We only really played on the server for about a week to beat the game and within that week we whent mining about 5 or 6 times. We had strip mined level 9 and we found literally 3 stacks of Diamonds Within 200 Blocks of the NPC Village you spawn closest too! We also found the stronghold but im guna let you guys find that one! :) DOnt wana ruin the game experience for you :)

So The Seed Is: 1863510268

The NPC Village you spawn Closest too (50 blocks or so away) X:-303 Z:-343
Surface skeleton Spawner JUST on outskrits of First NPC Village X:279 Z:370 (Note Skeleton Spawner is sticking out the side of a hill so look for an opening in the hill at the co-ords)
Desert Temple X:326 Z:117
NPC Village Number 2: X:129 Z:513
NPC Village Number 3!! X:-301 Z:-186

If you like this seed then Please Diamond,Favorite, Or Subscribe! Thanks!
CreditMy Buddy XOrangenannersX Who Helped Me Find All Of These Places Across The map!

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11/22/2012 1:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
haydawgs's Avatar
