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Minedeas : The Legion of Creatures Part 1

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ganon4688's Avatar ganon4688
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Hey guys! I saw that my first Minedea was kinda popular, so I'm here to bring you a new one, this actually will be a multi art special, because i have lots of ideas of monsters in minecraft.

Righty then, I was thinking their should be some stronger mobs, so, one I was thinking of was the Giant to make its return, but with a different skin for its model, another monster that would wreck everything would be the Undead Commander found in a dungeon I'll talk about in another post, but lets not talk about structures, the Undead Commander would be a skeleton in diamond armor but with no helm, that has the power to raise skeletons and zombies if their drops on are on the floor, this skill would be called reanimator, he would hold a diamond sword called "The Bane of Life" and would be enchanted with Sharpness III, Smite I, Knockback I, it would have 50% drop when hes slain, their would also be an enchantment when you kill him called, "Paladin", you will be able to unlock the achivements after unlocking "Local Brewery".

Well guys I'll see you guys next time, stay awesome guys!

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