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modpack launcher

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creeper20122099's Avatar creeper20122099
Level 14 : Journeyman Blacksmith
hey guys i got a little problem
i have modpacks i want to use a launcher for
but i dont have a launcher

this is what i need

1.) Launcher Creator
2.) Logo/Art/Banner Creator
3.) Bug Testers
4.) Website Creator
5.) Texturepack Creator
6.) mod comparability tester
7.) bloggers about this (will not be able to use until we are finished
8.) people to hire others
9.) people to play using the launcher (same as 7 in ())
10.) mod devs

To Choose Which One You Want To Help Me With Comment with this Below...

Job: (The One's I Listed)

How Long Can You Help Us?:

Age: (if you do not list its fine)

Minecraft Name?


Please Fill In this and comment thanks

there are slot of free spots on the team

everyone who applies may be accepted
i will work with the team
there will be a custom server for the devs

thank you for your time
see you on the dev team

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by creeper20122099 10/21/2012 1:48:45 pmOct 21st, 2012

if you join you will automaticly have fun with mods that we put in our pack any devs mods can be put in pack

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01/19/2013 5:30 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Blacksmith
creeper20122099's Avatar
thank you we should get back about u

the mods list is undetermind yet
01/18/2013 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Miniman3214's Avatar
Job: Texturepack creator & Bug tester

How Long Can You Help Us?: Idk but a while

Age: Unspecified

Minecraft Name? miniman3214

Email: miniman3214@live.com.au (i may not check regularly but ill find a msg in the end.)

Also to make the texturepack i need to know a list of the mods.
10/23/2012 2:39 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Blacksmith
creeper20122099's Avatar
anyone can join
