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My minecraft skin isn't working :(

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super chez 100
Level 19 : Journeyman Nerd
Yesterday I had the shape-shifters mod installed, I clicked force update, shut down my game, then installed the 1.4.2 pre-release. My skin was gone, I will include a picture of what is SHOULD look like. (sunglasses guy) Now, my skin is the default Steve, without the smile. If anyone else is experiencing this problem please tell me and if you have the solution DON'T PM me post it in the comments, for others who have this problem.

P.S. I re-installed the mod and set it back to downloaded skins. It didn't help. :|

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01/20/2017 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm having the same problem, but instead my skin wont work in 1.9 and over. I have no mods, and i haven't done anything for it to be this way. (my skin turns to default steve)
01/29/2014 5:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
if it was pre release i dont think u can have a skin, im might not be right though
10/25/2012 3:08 am
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
It is something to do with the new halloween update, check the skin, are they eyes white?
super chez 100
10/25/2012 1:54 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Nerd
:[ I'm not herobrine, I've been playing since alpha 1.1 I know what Herobrine is.
