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Pros and Cons of Starting Your Own Server

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TheAmAzed2025's Avatar TheAmAzed2025
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
Hello Everyone,

Andrew here with another blog. Today, I will be discussing both the Pro's and Con's of starting your own Minecraft server. I decided to do this because whenever I go through the "Servers" page, I notice that an abundance of players are always removing/creating servers. I decided to share this blog as I have a quite fruitful experience with servers, and I wanted to share my ideas with the community.

To begin with, the pros of having your own Minecraft server. Minecraft servers are a great way to make new friends and meet new people. A Minecraft server can either be a large community of players or many small communities of players, split up into groups. Minecraft servers can make you money, if it is managed properly and if everything is smooth. Personally, I find them being very fun to set up. I love learning about new things, such as configurations and Java coding. Server management is a large and bulky task. Yet, with all the pros of having your server, come many cons.

The cons of having your own server is a large list. If you plan on having your own server with you and your friends, go for it! But if you plan on starting up a huge network, it takes a lot of commitment. To have your own network start up, it would take many months of preparation, many investors/sponsors (if you don't have the money) to start up, you need a strong host with good support, and you would need a lot of experience. As I go through the server lists on various sites, I learn that more and more people are creating servers day-to-day. I personally don't find it being useful as it takes a lot of effort for your server to get big. You need to find commited staff members, web designers, forum developpers, plugin developpers, etc. I put a bold on the plugin developpers because as we see from all the huge server networks out there like Hypixel, HiveMC, Mineplex, etc. we notice that all of these servers have their own handful of plugin developpers. It's key to have this because it allows you to virtually create anything you want for your server. If you strictly use the bukkit/spigot plugins lists, you will not be able to find the plugin(s) essential for your server's growth. Having a server will take up large amounts of your time, so you will have to put in a lot of dedication, resources, and external help to get it up and running. 

Although I personally think the cons outweigh the pros, I believe that if you want to start a Minecraft server, go for it! When I made my first server, I had a 10-player community. It was a very small server that shut down within three months. But because of this small server I was running, my knowledge on plugin development and server management continued to grow. It takes baby steps and a lot of mistakes to start up your own network, and if you think you have what it takes to be big, do it!

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11/05/2015 7:55 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Marthellio's Avatar
I made a server because I could earn some decent money off of it, since then I'm making around $300 monthly.
11/05/2015 1:34 am
Level 31 : Artisan Network
BlockHermit's Avatar
I run a public server with no whitelisting. I created it because I'm introverted but feel lonely playing alone but don't want to be forced into building with other people.

The server's small and we get at most about 10 to 15 players at most, but they're dedicated players. I think this article looks at servers in a sort of black and white aspect. It's either small or big. I like that there are servers in between. A tiny community catering to a tiny crowd.

But all your points are indeed valid.
11/06/2015 12:38 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
TheAmAzed2025's Avatar
Yea, that is true. The purpose of my blog was to highlight the pros and cons of attempting to start a large network/server for players. There are many community servers out there that are doing quite successfully and are loads of fun for both the players, and the management. It's good to have those servers in between, thanks for your input.
11/04/2015 9:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
IiArcticFoxii's Avatar
It all depends on what type of server you want, or who you are, say you just want small server for you and your friends, then honestly the server is nice but hamachi/evolve is the next best thing, but if you want to go big, then you had better saved and planned for it, if you do there aren't many cons other then one major one... you may not succeed. But this is my opinion and mine alone.
11/06/2015 12:36 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
TheAmAzed2025's Avatar
That's true, but to succeed there are lots of tasks that need to be accomplished. It takes a ton of dedication, and exactly some servers can be small community servers you have with your friends, although they don't gain you much income at all, they're tons of fun. Money isn't everything. Thanks for your comment!
11/06/2015 9:02 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
IiArcticFoxii's Avatar
Servers aren't really meant for making income.
11/06/2015 9:50 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
TheAmAzed2025's Avatar
Some players do it solemnly for the money, I know most people do it for enjoyment and to spend time with friends, make new friends, and simply grow in the community; but there are those people out there that care about the money.
11/06/2015 1:33 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
IiArcticFoxii's Avatar
If your doing it for money then you are starting it for the wrong reason
11/04/2015 9:16 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Explorer
NitroStarman's Avatar
Nice blog! I tired having my own survival server once. Only a few people joined and then nothing. People are too much into mini-games these days. (in chat log they said the server sucked because there's no mini-games like really)
11/06/2015 12:35 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
TheAmAzed2025's Avatar
Yea, that's why I said plugin development is key nowadays. Lots of players simply enjoy custom minigames/gamemodes.
