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Quality - What is it?

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The Diamond Creeper
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
Hello everybody, today I'll be talking about quality and, like the title suggests, what it is. Lately I've been seeing a lack of quality in many posts, and I hope for this problem to be resolved over time.
There are some posts where you're amazed on how much quality and hard work is put into them, and you can easily tell that the user put much time and effort into it. And, of course, there are the posts that you can tell have no use other than to give the users exp and for them to gain levels. You can easily tell the difference of these, no matter who the user is. If you see the title:
"plz subscribe" then you're not expecting some great blog. You're expecting what the title says. Just a pointless blog, saying, "Plz subskribe i put hrd work into my wrk."
You expect great quality if you see a title that reasonably sums up what the blog/skin/topic of any type. Don't expect to get 1,000 views for something titled, "Thing" or "Skin" or anything completely unspecific, anyway. It shows signs of lack of effort and quality.

Quality is crucial, as is effort. If you have a GREAT idea for a blog, but don't put all your thought into it then it may look like this: "Recently ive com acros a problm. (Topic) hs stoped psting thins on ther site!" (This is an example of something I randomly came up with, it is NOT suggested making a blog about how a site doesn't post anything)
Do you think anybody in the right mind would give that a diamond?
If he/she titled it "Problem" then they should expect even less views as well. Of course, when you find a blog titled "Thing" or something that I listed above (and others), then you don't think that it'll be some great blog that you love. You immediately think that it'll be spam and don't click on it. Meanwhile, you find a blog that looks interesting and you click on it. It's great, and you diamond it as well as favorite. It has an attractive looking picture and title, and the blog is thorough and doesn't fail to entertain you. You subscribe, and look at all of his blogs whenever he posts them. Does the other blogger (AKA Exp Spam blogger) get any views or diamonds?
Again. No.
It just gets reported, which leads to a bad reputation on PMC.

To sum up my blog, I've been seeing spam posts quite often, and I'm sure everybody else has as well. The "N00b" bloggers often do this, though they should know to read the rules and things like that. You may write a blog, but next time you upload, ask yourself: Did you put all your effort into it? Do you think it has enough quality to be shown to the public?

Thanks for reading!

A blog by Le Diamond Creeper. :3

Thanks for getting this on the Popular Reel!
Thank you so much! :D

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11/04/2012 9:11 pm
Level 47 : Master Nether Knight
Another awesome blog, like almost all of your blogs.+1 Diamond :D
The Diamond Creeper
11/04/2012 9:11 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
Thanks! :D
10/29/2012 8:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Prince
Nice blog :D Congrats on pop reel
The Diamond Creeper
10/29/2012 9:24 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
Thanks :D
10/28/2012 10:47 pm
Level 46 : Master Lad
A Nether Star for you, diamonds are too overrated!
The Diamond Creeper
10/29/2012 9:15 am
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
Thanks Hatsya! :D
10/27/2012 9:33 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
I totally agree, but remember Minecraft can be a family based game to, where younger children want to join in with posting blogs, they don't see what things need to be included to have a blog full of 'quality'.
The Diamond Creeper
10/27/2012 9:35 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
True, but they shouldn't be posting blogs with a lack of effort. They can contribute to the community as well if they spend a lot of time on their blogs.
10/27/2012 10:09 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
When I was like 8-11, I didn't bother much about grammar or the quality of how I made things, seems daft, but when you're that young there is more on your mind than becoming famous for good posts on PMC, maybe they came across a blog like this one, a blog making a good point. And now they'd like to give it a go with something they thinks cool, or maybe something they made that they want to share. Not everyone is dedicated to one thing. When you're that age you also don't really contribute anything to anyone, you're in your own daze of creativity.
The Diamond Creeper
10/27/2012 10:54 pm
Level 29 : Expert Narwhal
That is very true.
