Minecraft Blogs / Art

Ralph | [PEC2 Entry]

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MoonAstraea's Avatar MoonAstraea
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Imposter
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This is Ralph

Ralph is a half-gnome half-elf/gnome elf or “pointy-eared gnome.” His favorite pastimes include drinking tea and pressing flowers in his scrapbook.

His fancy attire (seen above) is brown and red with pink flowers sewn on. The flowers are from his garden which he tends to often. [​No flowers were harmed in the making of said attire.]
Ralph is wearing this specific wardrobe, because he was invited to the Pointy Ear Club. He made sure not to dress too formal or too casual, but not also too flashy, etc.

Among the other pointy-eared creatures, he hopes he will be accepted, excitement and wonder filling his heart.
CreditLogMaiden for the event!

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Papa Enny
02/22/2024 10:55 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
08/16/2022 3:51 pm
She/Her • Level 70 : Legendary Elf Paladin
LogMaiden's Avatar
Ralph is a vibe and is 100% accepted into the merry folk of pointy ears! Pressing flowers is fun to do, so I get it. Thank you for sending this member! :)
