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Redstone Tutorials! Post #001

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bigfoot49211's Avatar bigfoot49211
Level 57 : Grandmaster Meme
Hey guys!

Summary of Redstone

Have you been mining recently, and stumbled upon that magnificent rock that some call... Redstone?
If you have, then I'll bet you threw it into lava, because, "Who needs redstone, right?"

I have taken it upon myself to inform those who do so, that redstone is a useful, and quite valuable material. It can be used to create sorting systems, automated doors, and all sorts of fun things! And, if you're a builder, you can use the Redstone Blocks to make fantastic RED creations!

Now, i'm done with the summary of redstone. it's time to teach you things! :D

Tutorial! (FINALLY)

The Basics:


R= Redstone dust
T= Redstone torch
D= Diode (Redstone Repeater)
Bu=Button(stone or wood, it doesn't matter if you're going to press it)

Explaining 0s and 1s in redstone:

In redstone, there are a few terms for 'on' and 'off.'
For redstone torches and levers, the easiest term is 0 or 1.
0 being off, and 1 being on. When a lever is up, it's 0. When the lever is down, it's 1.
A redstone torch is defaultly in 1, and to put it into 0, you must run a redstone signal of ANY strength through a block, into the torch. (Example below)

Basic format for redstone:


The above format is a simple redstone line. When you flick the lever, all the redstone turns on.
Redstone can travel a grand total of 15 blocks in length from the source(whether it be a lever, a button, a redstone torch, or a repeater). The repeater (D) will pick up ANY signal length, and turn it into a brand new signal strength, using up 1 block in the process (which is where the repeater is placed)

Inverted Signals:


The above format is creating an inverted signal. You place a block, and put a lever on the side, or the top (or the bottom :3) of the block. Then you place a redstone torch anywere else on the block, and run redstone out of that torch. The result will be an inverted signal, meaning when the lever is in 0 state (explained above), the output is on (1).

That's all i have for this blog post! NOTE: All of this is basic redstone, so if you know this, don't hate! Some people don't know this, and are (probably) eager to learn!

Goal: 5 diamonds?? :)

Thank's for reading!
CreditI rited dis - Bigfoot49211

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08/12/2013 1:45 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Grump
Doughty's Avatar
Time for some feedback!

Personally I think the red text is kinda excessive and makes the blog difficult to read, maybe only use it for the redstone sequences. Also, I think it would help a lot to add pictures of the sequences in addition to the letters, it maybe a bit easier for the reader to decipher.
08/12/2013 1:58 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Meme
bigfoot49211's Avatar
thanks for the feedback! ill change this up in the next post! :-)
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