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Unveil Your Work! Don't Fake It!

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
It bugs me when I see a quality build with a screenshot that is vanilla (no mods/resource packs) and unedited with 20 views and 2 downloads and then someone builds the tiniest unoriginal "modern home" with a shader or render and texture pack and they have 5,000 views and 300 downloads. I feel as though shaders are faking what you've really done. When someone plays your map with vanilla they are going to see something completely different. I'm not saying that any project with a shader or render is bad and the owner is unoriginal, I just think that shaders shouldn't be used to enhance a screenshot.

Yes, it looks professional and you want to look professional but to me you look fake. Ooooooh, you built a little village that almost anyone can build? That's impressive. It looks amazing with a shader, but it looks like a 5 year old built it when you download and look at it.

Picture a beautifully intricate cup with all sorts of colors on an advertisement.
It looks like this:

You love the cup so much you decide to order one! It comes in the mail and you are super excited. You unwrap the paper and open the box and it's a plain old cup, at least compared to the one you saw.
It looks like this:

Spoiler - click to reveal

It has its own merits, if it had been advertised as that you would have still appreciated its unique qualities. There's nothing wrong with the cup, but because you saw it displayed in a beautiful way it's just not as satisfying. This example is similar, but not the same as, using shaders or renders. 

So the next time you post a project, think about your screenshots. Do they really show the work you've done? Or do they simply compensate for the lack of work? Be true to your style and project! Don't fake what you've built! 

I know that some of you may disagree and argue that it's the person's fault for not using a shader, and you are entitled to your opinion. If you think I'm wrong, you can tell me. I'm always open to new ideas!

Thanks for reading!


1 Update Logs

Revamp : by Zeph_Kat 10/06/2014 4:37:16 pmOct 6th, 2014

Loved my original idea but didn't like its length! I've added a lot more details and PICTURES 


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08/13/2014 6:54 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
Making a picture with shaders is like McDonald's reclams.
They make it look better so people buy/download it.
Its just a way of making something look good to the customers and players.
Adn a way of advertising. I dont think you should be so mad and if you want more diamonds -> start taking pictures with shaders.
08/13/2014 12:26 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
That's false advertising, it is not? False advertising is one of the worst things in commerce.  Also, my goal is not to get more diamonds; my goal is to share my work on PMC for others to enjoy. Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't like more diamonds, but false advertising is a nasty way of doing it.
08/15/2014 12:45 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
Then it must be impossible for you to watch tv or youtube...?
Look dude i dont like people getting dia's for false advertising but a thread like this isnt gonna help it.
08/15/2014 9:11 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
I watch TV and Youtube frequently. I don't like the false advertising. That doesn't mean it's unbearable to watch. And if you're going to question the impact/purpose of this blog then I could equally question the purpose of your comment. Your comment isn't going to help threads like this.
08/16/2014 6:06 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
So i guess we are equal now. :)
08/16/2014 12:48 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
Haha :) I'm glad we could have a peaceful debate.
06/22/2014 11:08 am
Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
"I think you added a bit too much minecraft to that shader"
01/25/2014 9:41 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Agreed, but you have to admit, to most people, the screenshots are how they determine the project.
01/25/2014 9:44 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
If you're trying to say what I think you are then my response is: Yes, unfortunately.
01/19/2014 9:06 am
Level 49 : Master Batman
i agree with you
01/19/2014 7:14 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Architect
very very sad true :o(
